Are Foreign Women Targeted for Date Rape Drugs in Clubs in Seoul?

Below is a posting over at Reddit where one foreign woman describes how she felt she was drugged by employees at a club in Seoul:

So I recently went clubbing in Hongdae (which is common among foreigners) and I went to a few different clubs. The last one I went to was called Club Aura (PLEASE REMEMBER THIS CLUB AND AVOID IT!)
They have multiple bad reviews pretty much everywhere about how they charge different prices based on how you look (race, wealth, etc) and how the security there is absolute shit and very violent.
Anyway, my experience there was bad not from either of those things but because I got drugged. Im not sure what the hell I was drugged with but it made me forget everything and I was sick for a good 12 hours after, I was also super paranoid and ended up going home asap. The thing is, I wasn’t drugged by club-goers; I was drugged by girls who are hired to work there, who were giving out ‘special’ drinks only to girls.
This has been a problem in every big city across the world, but I’ve lived in Korea for 6 months now and Ive always felt safe here, so I guess that was enough to let my guard down.


At the link you can read all the various comments from other readers who were complaining about the same thing happening in Seoul at other clubs where the drug foreign women and then try to hook them up with Korean guys.

Has anyone else experienced or heard of such activities going in Korean bars?

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6 years ago

A woman who has lived in Korea for six months and frequents night clubs should not “feel safe” in Korea. She should know by that time that the experience of female, especially a foreign female, is far different than that of a male. She should also realize that Korean courts do not levy serious punishments for sex offenses and that the alcohol-fueled misogyny very prevalent in South Korea will not contribute to her safety.

Note that I am not blaming the victim here. I am simply stating that she has a rose-colored vision of Korean society. Whoever it was that drugged her is, of course, at fault and a criminal to boot.

6 years ago

I call a big fat steaming pile of bull poo.

There are countless examples of foreign snowflake girls out with their fellow harpies drinking everything they can grift out of hopeful Korean guys and as many free shots the bar will give them.

Then, when they have their head in the toilet and a full-day hangover, they blame everyone and every thing but themselves and their binge drinking problem… with increasingly wild fantasies.

If you dare point out that they had 5 cocktails and 8 rapidfire shots in 3 hours, you are “victim blaming”.

If you ask why a successful business would risk it all to drug some thick thighed white girl with hippie fashion sense, a shit attitude, and a face carved from a solid block of mediocrity, you are “victim blaming”.

If you ask exactly what the endgame is in a situation where it will be impossible for anyone to separate her from the watchful eyes of her cack-blocking coven and sneak her off somewhere in a place/street/city/country every pervert knows has 100% video coverage, you are “victim blaming”.

But sometimes the victim IS to blame.

Because sometimes the victim and the perpetrator is the same person.

6 years ago

I am still amazed that any woman goes alone to bars in any large city feeling “safe”. And the story shared by GI shows the person to be foolish at best, seeking trouble where she knew she could find it…

And because of “gang” activity since well before 1950, being a lone American at night in Hongdae (or Gangnam, or Yoido, etc.) hasn’t ever been “safe” unless you brought your own, armed, Korean posse…

But young people gonna make foolish mistakes in bars no matter what others tell them…

6 years ago

Sounds like she has made the same foolish mistake more than once.
Can’t fix stupid.

rocket man
rocket man
6 years ago

Life is hard. It’s harder when you’re stupid!

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
6 years ago

Happened to me more than once. I be in a bar talking to some chicks. They slip me a drug, i get disoriented, they take me to a Hotel room, then gave me viagra. Oh the abuse, woke up sore every time. Terrible dry fuzzy tongue when I finally get control. But the money was good.

6 years ago

The moronic notion from western people talking about how “safe it is over here” never fails to amaze me. Remember watching a moron NCO do the welcome brief at Camp Mobile back in the day with his stupid “no crime in Korea, except for GIs” speech. Thankfully was able to shut him down when I responded “if there’s no crime, then why is my father in law the deputy warden for Uijeongbu prison?” Criminals don’t care about nationality. Act like a target and you will become one.

6 years ago

Similar, but different, subject.
Tech sgt who worked in OSI defects to Iran.
“It is not clear what led Witt to defect. In Iran, she has appeared to work at times to publish anti-American articles for the state-owned Press TV. In one publication, she chastised the U.S. military as a “boys’ club” in which female servicemembers suffer from pervasive sexual harassment.

“The majority of men simply do not take the idea of harassment seriously,” she wrote. “They make comments about a woman’s appearance, or make generalized sexual remarks openly at work. Often times, they do not view these comments as inappropriate.”
She defects to a Middle Eastern country (ostensibly) because of sexism in the US military.
Wonder if she’s hoping to sell the rights to her story to the Onion?

6 years ago

Liz, while I am certain there are GIs who are guilty of poor manners, what kind of insanity makes a woman defect to Iran? That 2012 event is a real black mark against the Obama Administration…

6 years ago

Hope she gets caught and sent to Leavenworth.

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