Tweet of the Day: Only Bob Mueller Can Save Korea?

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6 years ago

ha ha ha … just about sums up Trump’s intelligence right there.
Yes folks, follow your President. Now I know what religious cults can do.

6 years ago

Easy for Fatty to make an economic powerhouse when you take over the world’s 11th largest economy and use slave labor.

6 years ago

“Give him a fine reputation to live up to, and he will make every effort to live up to that reputation rather than see you disillusioned. This is the most powerful way to influence the conduct of a person without arousing resentment or giving offense.”

– Dale Carnegie

The difference between insanity and genius is measured in success.

If Trump succeeds, he will go down as a great statesman and future generations will think poorly of those who foolishly resisted his vision ponder the character of those who sought to sabotage him.

…as we now do over the enemies and American saboteurs who resisted the brilliance of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln… who had amazing success with a similar level of resistance and conflict.

Strangely, nothing Trump is trying to accomplish is bad for America or Americans… so it is hard not to see NeverTrumpers as traitors… and an internal enemy resisting the success of America and Americans.

Using well-established techniques of peacefully guiding the behavior of enemies while clearly being prepared to back it up with violence is BRILLIANT diplomacy… something the NeverTrumpers refuse to recognize due to their chronic TDS.

Perhaps they prefer giving up or perhaps they prefer war… but really, they just prefer the opposite of whatever Trump is doing.


6 years ago

Well said, CH!!

6 years ago

Apparently, Joshua has TDS as bad as Hillary… and it’s given him symptoms of tertiary syphilis (brain abscesses)…

Or else he has the idea that your average nork dictator can be cowed by the idea that America Has The Bomb(tm), something they overlooked since 1945… including the Korean War, mind you…

Sanctions aren’t working. Should Trump start a land war in Asia? How many millions of those little yellow people does Stanton want killed by Trump?

Isn’t peaceful diplomacy better than just murdering women and children?

Sure, we may need a war; but isn’t it better to try playing on Fatboy’s pride, greed, and ability to calcilate ROI on burger franchises first, before triggering an attack on Seoul?

6 years ago

I dislike communism more than Stanton; but false pride has killed more people than kind words.

6 years ago

And CH was more erudite and eloquent than I. Again.

6 years ago

You folks would never consider the tiny tiny possibility that Trump actually believes what he says here? Naw.. can’t be.

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