2nd Infantry Division Soldier Recognized for Defending Woman and Child Against a Dog Attack in Pyeongtaek

Another USFK soldier being a Good Neighbor:

A soldier with the 2nd Infantry Division will be recognized Thursday by the city of Pyeongtaek for diverting an aggressive dog away from a Korean girl and taking the brunt of the canine’s attack.
After the Feb. 12 attack, Spc. Jonathan Roman Rios received preventative rabies treatment after the attack at Master Sgt. Henry L. Jenkins Patient Centered Medical Home on Camp Humphreys.
The dog — described by Roman as a white, medium-sized husky — fixated on a Korean woman and a young girl on the street outside the camp pedestrian gate, he said.
Roman, a native of Puerto Rico assigned to the 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade, had just gotten off duty for the day and was headed to a barbecue with friends when he noticed the dog barking at the woman and girl.
“I just saw a dog, but I saw that he was acting crazy,” he told Stars and Stripes on Monday. “I thought maybe he was just playing, but as I got closer I could see he was mad and agitated.”
Roman, the father of two children, believed the girl was in danger and said he felt he had to act.

He described what happened next:
Using his backpack as a decoy, Roman managed to attract the dog’s attention. It bit into the pack and hung on while the woman and girl ran off.
Roman fought with the dog for several minutes, trying to retrieve his backpack in one piece and make a run for it. He also shouted to nearby pedestrians to get back. Then the dog struck.
“The dog was either too fast or I was too slow, but he bit into the backside of my leg just below the calf muscle,” he said.
Another woman nearby saw the attack and began screaming; Roman said he quickly tried to calm her.
He used his backpack once more to push the dog away and escaped. Putting a brick fence between himself and the dog, he warned other pedestrians to stay away.
Roman said someone who may have been the dog’s owner came and secured the animal to a chain.

Stars and Stripes

You can read more at the link, but good job SPC Roman!

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2ID Doc
5 years ago

Commie Moon pie will spin this as evil American Soldier starts unprovoked attack on innocent harmless puppy planning to eat him at a barbecue…

5 years ago

Just another American hero, nothing to see here, move along, move along…

This story should be made into a movie!!

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
5 years ago

All Soldiers off-post need to have a backpack and defective vest.

5 years ago

Another Korean Killer French Bulldog on the loose no doubt. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/dog-bite-case-sparks-debate-in-south-korea
Seriously though, the way Koreans keep dogs chained makes for mean dogs. Koreans really don’t know the first thing about keeping dogs.

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