Tweet of the Day: Kim Jong-un Getting Fatter?

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Tagum City Tim
5 years ago

Fatty Kim is enjoying his time as the top dog. As Mel Brooks said in History of the World Part I, “It’s good to be the King!”

5 years ago

Looks like Fatty ate his 2012 counterpart.

Tagum City Tim
Reply to  J6Junkie
5 years ago

Sounds like a scene out of Austin Powers. You’ve got Fat Bastard (Fatty Kim) saying “Get in my belly!”

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
5 years ago

We can hope that stress and a poor diet puts him in his grave before the next generation is old enough to take power. It will spark a civil war that might allow a fairly & justly elected South Korean president to use the ROK military to move north and reunite the peninsula. I wouldn’t take it to Vegas but I’m certain that idea is in a file in Puzzle Palace.

5 years ago

Trump might Sponsor a burger franchise being allowed to set up shop in Pyongyang…

rocket man
rocket man
5 years ago

All he needs is an apple in his mouth and a skewer up his ass. Pure pig.

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