Picture of the Day: North Korean Dance Party

Dance party in NK
Dance party in NKNorth Korean youth and students participate in a dance party in Pyongyang on April 9, 2019, to mark the 26th anniversary of late leader Kim Jong-il’s election as chairman of the National Defence Commission, in this photo released by the Korean Central News Agency on April 10. (For Use Only in the Republic of Korea. No Redistribution) (Yonhap)
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Tagum City Tim
5 years ago

American Bandstand it’s not! I can just hear the music…

We’re goin’ hoppin’, we’re goin’ hoppin’ today
Where things are poppin’ the Pyongyang way
We’re gonna drop in on all the music they play
On Pyongyang bandstand (bandstand)!

We’re goin’ swingin’, we’re gonna swing in the crowd
And we’ll be clingin’ and floatin’ high as a cloud
The phones are ringin’, Kim Jong Un is so proud
I’m on bandstand (bandstand)

But I won’t jump and hey, I can’t even show ’em my handstand
Because I’m on, because I’m on the Pyongyang bandstand
When we dance real slow I’ll show all the cadre in the grandstand
What a comrade I am, I am on Pyongyang bandstand

We’re goin’ hoppin’, we’re goin’ hoppin’ today
Where things are poppin’ the Pyongyang way
We’re gonna drop in on all the music they play
On the bandstand (bandstand)

Oh yeah!

5 years ago

The only rule for the audience is never be the first one to stop clapping…

Tagum City Tim
Reply to  setnaffa
5 years ago

Or to be the first one to run out of breath when screaming “Man-Say!”

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