Picture of the Day: North Korean Department Store

NK department store
NK department storeThis photo, released by the Korean Central News Agency on April 8, 2019, shows the women’s clothes section of the soon-to-be-opened Taesong Department Store in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang. (Yonhap)
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Tagum City Tim
5 years ago

The most boring, bland, and ridiculous offering of women’s clothes anywhere in the known world, not a pair of shorts, crop top, miniskirt, or swimsuit in sight!

5 years ago

Looks like they lifted the displays from Seoul station.

rocket man
rocket man
5 years ago

It will probably look the same inside when opened . No people.

MTB Rider
5 years ago

Oh, they’ll have shoppers… When the tourists are around. It’ll be a choreographed dance, and if any tourist notices everyone is just acting, they will all rush and buy a pair of socks.

I’ve read in a couple places that how the department stores work. 🙂

But what’s interesting is that as in South Korea, the Hangul is subtitled in English. You would think they would subtitle into Chinese or Cyrillic. I guess even North Korea knows who it is best to be in bed with. Sooner or Later…

5 years ago

“Welcome to the Taesong Department Store where we strive to fill all the fashion needs for librarians, spinsters, and old maids.”

Tagum City Tim
Reply to  ChickenHead
5 years ago

Hehehe…CH gets the award for best caption! 😆 😆 😆

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