President Trump Says He Won’t Spy On Kim Jong-un

It looks like President Trump is continuing his charm offensive with Kim Jong-un:

President Trump speaks to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House on Tuesday before departing for a trip to Iowa. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Trump promised he wouldn’t allow the CIA to use spies against North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un after reports surfaced that Kim’s half brother had been a U.S. intelligence asset before he was assassinated in Malaysia.
Kim Jong Nam was killed in February 2017 — allegedly while he was en route to meet a CIA contact — by two women who sprayed a nerve agent in his face. U.S. officials quickly placed the blame for the killing on North Korea.
Trump, speaking to reporters on the White House lawn Tuesday before leaving on a campaign trip to Iowa, was asked about Kim Jong Nam’s spying, which was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.
“I don’t know, I have not heard about that,” the president said, before contradicting himself and assuring Kim Jong Un that his administration wouldn’t do anything so underhanded.
“I saw the information about the CIA with respect to his brother or half brother, and I would tell him that would not happen under my auspices, that’s for sure,” Trump said. “I wouldn’t let that happen under my auspices.”

Yahoo News

You can read more at the link.

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5 years ago

Good grief, Tan the Conman is a complete idiot when it comes to, well, anything whatsoever.

5 years ago

Good thing John Henry is on the case. He’s far smarter than a real estate billionaire who conned 63 milloon Americans into voting for him, conned the economy into hiring more minorities, and conned Mexico into sending 6,000 troops to its southern border…

5 years ago

Trump is a wuss who will not order a pre-emptive strike on the DPRK.

5 years ago

So why do we need a per-emptive strike on nK? I guess you believed WMDs were in Iraq and Ann Nicole married for love too…

5 years ago

Rocky is still bitterly clinging to Hillary…

5 years ago

I remember watching Colin Powell’s presentation on WMD to the UN and thinking, “that is all the evidence that we have?” I lost some respect for Powell who, to his credit, has admitted the case he tried to make that Iraq had WMD will forever be a black mark on his record. His boss, Bush, was a buffoon. Of the three countries in his so-called “Axis of Evil,” Bush pre-emptively attacked the one country, Iraq, with no almost no chance of developing a nuke weapon, let along a delivery system capable of reaching CONUS. 4,000+ dead, tens of thousands wounded (some maimed for life) and a trillion bucks spent; all for nothing.

5 years ago

We get it. Rocky’s not a fan of the GOP or POC who work for them. How edgy. How original. How norklander. Yeah we already read the NFL in Itaewon schtick from kinmsoft, what, 10-15 years ago?

Meanwhile, billionaire Trump lives rent-free in his noggin… that’s gotta be a drag…

5 years ago

Poor Setnaffa. It looks like she is still deluding herself and thinking that Trump will marry her after Melania is out of the picture.

5 years ago

I am happy with the job that Trump has done. The things he has under delivered on such as the border are largely the fault of the uniparty in D.C.

Where Washington fails us the public at large comes up with solutions such as starting a gofu undme to pay for the wall ourselves. Hopefully his national emergency funding makes its way through the courts quickly and the federal government will start building large new portions.

When it comes down to it, I think he has mostly had the right idea on foreign policy and responsibilities of other nations. Even if he ends up failing on China or North Korea, the U.S. is still doing well economically, which for a lot of people will be what matters the most in 2020.

5 years ago

Betting against Trump, whether you like him or not, is a foolish thing. And Rocky obviously needs to lay off the crackpipe. It’s affecting his vision.

5 years ago

Setnaffa must think that I am reflexively anti-Trump, but she is wrong. For example, Trump will tell you that he was ALWAYS against the Iraq War. I totally agree with Trump on that. It was a huge mistake to invade Iraq.

5 years ago

Man complains about Iraq war but wants a strike against nK….strange.

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