Seoul High Court Commutes Sentence for Rapist of 10-Year Old Girl Because She Could Not Prove She Resisted Enough
|Here we go again with another example in South Korea of a criminal getting away with a sex crime by claiming the victim did not resist enough, and this time it was a 10 year old girl:

Criticism is mounting over a recent high court ruling that commuted a prison term for a child rapist.
The court said the 10-year-old victim’s testimony was insufficient to prove there was “enough threat and physical assault” that made the victim unable to defend herself ― which would constitute a rape charge.
In the June 13 ruling, the Seoul High Court handed down a three-year jail term to the offender, a cram school teacher surnamed Lee, 35. The sentence was reduced drastically from an earlier term of eight years given by a local court.
Lee met the victim through a chatting app in April last year. He brought her to his home and had her drink two glasses of soju to get her drunk. He then sexually assaulted her by holding her hands and pressing against her body so she could not move.
Lee denied the allegations, claiming he did not know that the girl, who was 160 centimeters tall, was 10 years old at the time, and that he had sex with her with her consent.
Although the local court acknowledged Lee used threats and physical assaults to the point where she was unable to defend herself, the high court did not ― it said the girl’s statement was the only evidence regarding the threat and assault and that it was insufficient.
Korea Times
You can read more at the link, but this case shows that in South Korea you can get a 10 year old drunk with soju, hold her down, and rape her and not be convicted for forcible rape. At least they up held the statutory rape conviction on him which will keep him in jail for 3 years.
This issue is nothing new ROK Heads may remember the rapist of a U.S. soldier who was set free by this same Seoul High Court because she could not prove that she resisted enough.
😥 😡
South Korea has stories like these and then has the temerity to protest the so-called “Comfort Women.” Moving to sharia law will be a short step…
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
Never thought I would say this…..
Whatever happened to the good old days when Park Chung Hee was head of government and these assholes were executed after a very short and speedy trial. Grown men having their way with 10 year old little girls should be executed, after they have been castrated with the dull side of a butter knife. 😀
Writing the truth in a newspaper article gets more jail time than raping a 10 year-old.
Korea Sparkling!
It’s a global issue not just S.K. Justice for rape victims of any age isn’t guaranteed, in any nation…
In some countries, her family would be required to kill her for having sex outside marriage and shaming the family. 😥 😥 😥
I’m not surprised. From the murder of foreign children (Mike White 2008) to rape of foreign woman and their own women and children, there is no regards for human rights or justice. A man’s right to commit rape/assault/murder is measured by his ability to pay off judges