Looking for a job that pays the bills is a lot less fun after age 60. Especially after expending your savings and 401k on medical deductibles, co-pays, travel to another city, and lodging during radiation therapy and after 3 surgeries.
But, I still have it better than anyone in North Korea.
153 caught drunk driving nationwide on first day of toughened DUI law
Police caught 153 people for drunk driving nationwide between midnight Monday and 8 a.m. Tuesday, when the toughened drunk driving law came into effect, according to the National Police Agency.
Of the 153 drunk drivers, 57 had their licenses suspended and 93 had their licenses revoked. Three refused to have their blood-alcohol levels checked, police said.
More at the link of course.
While I’d like to see South Korea reduce the deaths and injuries from drunk driving, I’ve been around long enough to assume this will be a 2 month “surge” in enforcement, followed by business as usual.
Oh, and Chaebol senior executives, Gangnam VIPs and the usual high caste individuals will be exempt.
5 years ago
MTB, a 2 month surge enforcement period would be a record long time ❗
According to Captain Jeon, Samcheok residents remain particularly dubious about the claim that the North Korean sailors had been marooned on their vessel for almost a week.
“Except for one of them, who looked like he was deliberately growing a beard, the North Koreans were clean-shaven,” he said. “I’ve never heard of a case where people set adrift at sea shave themselves.”
The North Koreans’ clothing was also strange, Jeon said.
“Fishermen also almost never wear clothes with buttons, since the buttons can get caught in fish nets,” he said. “But the North Korean sailors were all wearing buttoned clothes, so I was baffled.” Their pants, he added, also looked like they were ironed recently.
A third enigma regarding the incident is the lack of cutlery found on the boat, given that it had several containers of food that presumably sustained the sailors while at sea. National Intelligence Service officials told lawmakers this week that food including rice, cabbage, salt, potatoes and bean paste were found on the boat, but no mention was made of what tools they used to cook or eat this food. Also, contrary to the North Korean sailors’ testimony that they sold squid to a Chinese ship in exchange for fuel while on their voyage, no evidence of fishing activities were detected on the dinghy.
The plot thickens about Samcheok and the Commie boat.
North Korea said Thursday that South Korea must stop trying to facilitate talks between Pyongyang and Washington as the North stepped up its pressure on the United States to salvage nuclear diplomacy between the two nations.
The North’s statement came two days before President Trump’s planned two-day visit to South Korea following the G20 summit in Osaka. However, there are no signs North Korea will formally abandon talks with the U.S. while they continue to discuss “friendly relations” between Trump and Kim Jong Un.
The two leaders have not met since February when they held a second summit meeting in Vietnam, the two leaders have not gathered again. Kim returned home from Hanoi empty-handed after Trump refused to provide him with badly needed sanctions relief in return for a limited denuclearization step. The failed summit was a blow to South Korea President Moon Jae-in, who acted as the liaison between the two countries in the hope of finding a diplomatic settlement on the North’s nuclear crisis.
My favorite line:
Kwon Jong Gun, chief of the North Korean Foreign Ministry’s U.S. affairs department, said on Thursday the North will “never go through” South Korea again when it engages with the United States.
“It’s better for the South Korean authorities to mind their own business at home,” he said.
Translation: “The Grown-ups are talking, Sweetie. Go play with your dollies.”
Looking for a job that pays the bills is a lot less fun after age 60. Especially after expending your savings and 401k on medical deductibles, co-pays, travel to another city, and lodging during radiation therapy and after 3 surgeries.
But, I still have it better than anyone in North Korea.
Don’t drink and drive (for the next ~2 months or so) in Korea!
More at the link of course.
While I’d like to see South Korea reduce the deaths and injuries from drunk driving, I’ve been around long enough to assume this will be a 2 month “surge” in enforcement, followed by business as usual.
Oh, and Chaebol senior executives, Gangnam VIPs and the usual high caste individuals will be exempt.
MTB, a 2 month surge enforcement period would be a record long time ❗
According to Captain Jeon, Samcheok residents remain particularly dubious about the claim that the North Korean sailors had been marooned on their vessel for almost a week.
“Except for one of them, who looked like he was deliberately growing a beard, the North Koreans were clean-shaven,” he said. “I’ve never heard of a case where people set adrift at sea shave themselves.”
The North Koreans’ clothing was also strange, Jeon said.
“Fishermen also almost never wear clothes with buttons, since the buttons can get caught in fish nets,” he said. “But the North Korean sailors were all wearing buttoned clothes, so I was baffled.” Their pants, he added, also looked like they were ironed recently.
A third enigma regarding the incident is the lack of cutlery found on the boat, given that it had several containers of food that presumably sustained the sailors while at sea. National Intelligence Service officials told lawmakers this week that food including rice, cabbage, salt, potatoes and bean paste were found on the boat, but no mention was made of what tools they used to cook or eat this food. Also, contrary to the North Korean sailors’ testimony that they sold squid to a Chinese ship in exchange for fuel while on their voyage, no evidence of fishing activities were detected on the dinghy.
The plot thickens about Samcheok and the Commie boat.
J6, that sounds like the buildup for a great 1950’s Cold War/Film Noir/UFO movie…
Then again, they say art imitates life…
North Korea shows it’s usual disrespect to Moon Jae-In:
My favorite line:
Translation: “The Grown-ups are talking, Sweetie. Go play with your dollies.”
You’re right, MTB. Truly a “sick burn” as they say.