Discharged ROK Army Soldier Being Investigated for Stealing Explosive Device for ISIS

South Korea is already importing Muslim Brotherhood immigrants, they don’t need to have home grown ISIS members as well:

Criminal Investigation Command

A South Korean man has been under investigation on charges of stealing a device used in military explosives while serving in the Army and collecting or uploading video clips related to the Islamic State (IS) militant group, defense ministry officials said Friday. 

The 23-year-old man, identified only by his surname, Park, allegedly stole at least one spark plug for explosives in October, 2017, when he was receiving training at an Army engineering unit as an explosive specialist, according to the officials.

Investigators also found a video clip on his cellphone on how to make homemade ammunition as well as a mobile app used by IS members and supporters. Also found at his home was a machete that looks similar to broad blade knives that have been used by terrorists, officials said.

The suspect had collected video clips and other materials related to IS and posted them online since 2016 until recently, the officials said, adding that he is suspected of exchanging emails with suspected members of the militant group.


You can read more at the link, but something I found interesting about this is that the FBI were the one that tipped off the ROK authorities about this guy contacting ISIS.

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5 years ago

The idea that a South Korean would become a terrorist is something many would dismiss out of hand; but young people with too much unstructured time and too little training in self-discipline are exactly who the various terrorist groups recruit from.

He also probably had a pr0n collection, spent too much time at PC rooms, no real experience with girls his own age, and a drinking [alone] problem.

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