Body of sperm whaleThe carcass of a sperm whale is moved into Geojin port, Goseong, Gangwon Province, on July 4, 2019, after it was found dead on seas 13 kilometers from the port earlier in the day, in this photo provided by a reader. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE) (Yonhap)
Blue whale… why so sad?
Pilot whale… nice landing, asshole
Killer whale… get away from me
False killer whale… poser
Bowhead whale… i don’t see a fucking bow
Humpback whale… long way from Notre Dame, yeah?
Beluga whale… prefer the vodka
Bottle nose whale… no vodka in this bottle
Right whale… wrong
First it was Nork infiltrators, now it’s a dead sperm whale. What else will the port of Goseong have to undergo?
It is a performance art piece entitled Large Scale IVF.
Actually, the “aliens” and the dead whale reminded me of something different. Especially if CH meant In Vitro Fertilization…
Yeah. I played that game.
…the IVF comment was ’cause it’s a sperm whale.
I have comments for all whales, though.
Blue whale… why so sad?
Pilot whale… nice landing, asshole
Killer whale… get away from me
False killer whale… poser
Bowhead whale… i don’t see a fucking bow
Humpback whale… long way from Notre Dame, yeah?
Beluga whale… prefer the vodka
Bottle nose whale… no vodka in this bottle
Right whale… wrong
If the game video was too long or not to your taste, skip to 16:44 for a few seconds… My apologies for not adding this note earlier…