USFK Reportedly Considering Renaming the Already Renamed Joint Exercise to Appease North Korea

Does anyone have any suggestions on what to rename the joint US-ROK exercise to not upset Kim Jong-un?:

South Korea and the United States are reportedly considering conducting a joint military exercise early next month as scheduled, but under a different name.

The allies were known to have planned to conduct the exercise, named 19-2 Dong Maeng, to evaluate Seoul’s readiness to take over wartime operational control (OPCON) of its troops from Washington.

But multiple military sources said on Sunday that the two sides are reviewing whether to rename it in consideration of recent warnings from North Korea that the drill could affect its nuclear negotiations with the United States.

One of the possible new names to replace Dong Maeng, which means alliance in English, reportedly includes “OPCON Verification Exercise.”

The military sources said that the allies plan to hold the computer-simulated command post exercise for three weeks in early August.

KBS World Radio
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5 years ago

It just got changed to 19-2 YOU’RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR!

5 years ago

Short of calling it Exercise Give nK Free Stuff the nK will complain. Already USFK had to refer to it as the “training event” not an exercise on top of changing the name once. Asinine.

5 years ago

Short of handing the keys of the Blue House to Pyongyang, the norks will protest everything.

5 years ago

I say USFK has a bit of fun with it.

Let’s call it the Tribute to Dear Leader Parade.

Howya gonna respond to that, smartiepants?

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