A Profile of North Korea’s Type-88 Rifle

The National Interest has an interesting read about the rifle North Korea has outfitted some of its military members with:

One of the largest armies in the world has adopted one of the most unusual variants of the AK-series of assault rifles.

The North Korean People’s Army Type 88 rifle is similar to the Soviet-era AK-74 with one key difference: unusual helical magazines that carry up to five times as many rounds as conventional 30-round magazines. (…..)

The latest North Korean assault rifle is the Type 88. The Type 88 is a copy of the AK-74 assault rifle, whose primary advantage over the AK-47 was the adoption of the smaller, lighter 5.45-millimeter round. Exactly when the Type 88 was adopted is not clear, but the type designation, in this case, may indicate the year of adoption—1988. The rifle is now a staple of North Korean military parades and is frequently seen in the hands of North Korean special operations troops and leader Kim Jong Un’s bodyguards.

The National Interest

You can read more at the link.

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5 years ago

Goose-stepping, parasite-ridden slaves on parade is lame, even with 150-round magazines.

It would be inteesting to see reports on weapon reliability in the field. There were valid reasons for using stick vs drum magazines for most infantry weapons

4 months ago

But can it assemble to and maintain spec head space?

4 months ago

Songtan used to be able to maintain spec headspace.

Then cellphones with low-light cameras and social media came out.

…and it was gone.

4 months ago

Songtan? Spec headspace? As in SP4? Sally in the alley?

Come on now, CH… You can do much better than that…

By the time I saw Shinjang Market in 2007, I was old and accompanied by wife and in-laws to the old Miss Lee Burger place near the bus turnabout.

Wife and I did get to Mike’s Arcade for some custom leather jackets in 2010 and 2014. No custom CWU 45/p jackets though. Had to order from Alpha.

Last time I was in Itaewon was in the 1990s, so I can’t comment on that scene; but I hear it’s all halal up The Hill… not sure if they still have all the same hostess or “hostess” clubs anymore.

I noticed from the gay parade photo that the corner Burger King was gone.

4 months ago

AK’s well known for headspace issues, probably not as much as Songtan Sally though.

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