U.S. “Disappointed” After South Korea Cancels GSOMIA Pact with Japan Over Trade Dispute

The Moon administration has decided that domestic politics is more important than national security:

South Korea’s Deputy National Security Adviser Kim Hyun-chong holds a press conference at Cheong Wa Dae on Aug. 23, 2019. (Yonhap)

 South Korea consulted with the United States often and adequately on the fate of a bilateral pact with Japan on sharing military intelligence, Cheong Wa Dae said Friday, as Washington has voiced “strong concern” and “disappointment” over Seoul’s decision to discard the key tool for strengthening trilateral security cooperation in Northeast Asia.

“It’s true that the U.S. hoped for the extension of the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA),” South Korea’s Deputy National Security Adviser Kim Hyun-chong said in a press briefing.

Thus, he added, it was “natural” for Washington to be disappointed with Seoul’s move, which represents its toughest countermeasure yet against Tokyo’s export curbs.


You can read more at the link, but what allows the Moon administration to make this decision more easily than it should of, is that they know the U.S. will share with them any pertinent information the Japanese have on North Korea anyway.

This decision allows the Moon administration to show they are “doing something” in response to the trade dispute with Japan, burnish their anti-Japan street cred with the South Korean left, without really giving anything up in return.

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rocket man
rocket man
5 years ago

Looks like SK is starting to act like NK. Get something, for nothing in return. Moon is trying to make Fatty proud.

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