Police Seize $250 Million of Cocaine at Korean Port

This was a pretty big drug bust in South Korea that was facilitated by the US Coast Guard:

Police said Wednesday that they have seized more than 100 kilograms of cocaine smuggled into the Port of Taean.

According to the Korea Coast Guard, police found 100.764kg of cocaine ― worth roughly 300 billion won ($250 million) ― hidden in plastic bags on a ship that entered the port on Sunday.

The ship, loaded with coal, left Colombia on July 7 and stopped in Singapore on the way to Korea, police said.

Police said they tracked the ship after receiving information from the United States Coast Guard about the illegal drug.

Police are now interrogating the ship’s 20 Filipino crew members to find out whether any of them colluded in the alleged crime.

Korea Times
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5 years ago

Even more strange. Should have been a no brainer for SK authorites. Why would a load of coal park in a backwater port like Taean?

5 years ago

OOPS. Brain fart. I believe there is a coal fired power station on N. Side of pen.

5 years ago

What’s the brown packages all about?

Are the Colombians and their Flip mules conspiring to push some bunk blow onto poor ignorant Korean cokeheads?

Bonus: For all the math Koreans study, one would think they could come up with a calculation more accurate than $2500/gram. Oh. Wait. Cop Math.

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