Korean Student Attending Boston College Arrested for Allegedly Telling Her Boyfriend to Commit Suicide

Here is an odd story involving a Korean student attending Boston College:

Alexander Urtula was all set to graduate from Boston College at 10 a.m. on May 20. The 22-year-old was an exemplary student, a biology major and a member of the school’s Philippine Society, and his parents were in town from New Jersey to watch him receive his diploma. But just hours before the ceremony, Urtula leapt to his death from the top floor of a parking garage in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood. 

According to a press release from the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office, his girlfriend of 18 months, 21-year-old Inyoung You, has been indicted on charges of involuntary manslaughter over his suicide. She was “physically, verbally and psychologically abusive” towards Urtula, according to the DA’s office, and repeatedly told him to “go kill himself” and to “go die.” The abuse, which has allegedly been documented in their more than 75,000 text messages, became “more frequent, more powerful and more demeaning” in the hours leading up to his death. You, a fellow Boston College student from South Korea, had tracked Urtula’s location on her phone, and was there when he jumped.

According to the DA’s press release, an investigation revealed that You knew about her boyfriend’s “spiraling depression and suicidal thoughts” brought on by the texts—still, she wrote him and encouraged him to die.


You can read more at the link, You left school in August and returned back to South Korea. U.S. authorities say they will try and extradite her if she does not voluntarily return for trial.

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5 years ago

In the end… you just have to ask the question that everyone over the age of 6 knows the answer to:

If little Inyoung told you to jump off the parking garage…

5 years ago

Granted that Korean women can be very persuasive, any woman (including my lovely wife) who told me to kill myself would be on my block list. Life is already too short to waste on such empty-headed jerks.

The unfortunate young man made quite a few unforced errors in relationships, extreme sports, and even educational venues. He would, for example, have done better to find a school without a “You, In-Young”.

We’ll never know why he was that stupid or desperate–and in another hour he’ll just be a statistic–but both of them are the product of their school and their professors as much as their parents.

When we place too much value on created things and not on the Creator, we open ourselves up to every kind of sin. Nobody gets out of this life alive; but suicide is selfish and quite often for stupid reasons.

5 years ago

Well, CH is funny as per usual and Setnaffa insightful as per usual but I think all psychos who berate people into committing suicide should be sentenced to prison for voluntary manslaughter, then released only on condition they have two large Ps (for psycho) tattooed on them. One of the forehead, one on the arse. That way before anyone else makes a life decision he will regret at least he can’t say he wasn’t warned.

5 years ago

Alternately, they could just tie her hands behind her back and give her and his mother about 15 minutes together in a private room.

5 years ago

I recommend some version of this prepared speech:

5 years ago

Thank you Liz. I had to give up trying to be the comic and just play the straight man.

Meanwhile, your ideas are good; but in Massachusetts, they’ll probably end up getting her a book and movie deal after she describes the #metoo setup she had with the poor benighted klutz…

5 years ago

I hope she enjoys the Federal Penitentiary system.

5 years ago

Sad, but sounds legit 🙁

5 years ago

After considering this further, it would seem First Amendment protections are far more important than arresting some nutjob for talking some other nutjob into killing themselves.

While “shouting fire in a crowded theater” is not protected speech due to its ability to negitively affect everyone, a long history of abusive speech and texts is something a reasonable person could simply ignore… and actually has legal recourse to stop.

While the details are unknown, it seems impossible to think of any scenario where she is guilty of a crime for simply exercising a distasteful aspect of her constitutionally protected freedom of expression.

All this guy had to do was walk away.

Jumping away works too.

5 years ago

I am forced to agree with CH on this. There are annoying folks everywhere. And typically many more nice folks. If one chooses to hang out with losers and downers, that’s part of the freedom America offers, too.

Of course, there will always be losers wanting a nannystate. I respectfully suggest they move to Venezuela or Iran or Norkvannia.

5 years ago

Well, I’ll just state the obvious regarding this sad story. InYoung has a nice rack. I’d hit it. Peace!

5 years ago

VilleRat4Ever… let’s be honest.

Out of that top and out of an (optional) bra, her rack is going to look like two wet sock thrown over a clothes line.

And, even in the picture, she looks like… uh… a bro.

That’s OK… I have been with a few ladies who look a bit like dudes… but never got attached enough to want to jump off of high places.

But… in accordance with your original statement… yeah… sure… I’d hit it… just for the hell if it…

…but only while you were watching and fapping.

5 years ago

Chickened, your Mom’s rack looked like two wet socks and she looked like a dude but that didn’t stop me. That’s right, i’m your daddy.

5 years ago


5 years ago

GI, you’re a miracle worker!! Reuniting families in touching moments like this is so… well, it’s so…


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