Korean Independence Fighter Identified from 1922 Photograph

I think Ambassador Harris should troll the Korean leftists by growing out his mustache to look like Choi Jin-dong:

In the black-and-white photo, two men wearing mustaches pose proudly in military uniforms with guns at their waists. The taller man on the left has been confirmed as independence fighter Hong Beom-do. But the identity of the short and stout man standing next to Hong has been shrouded in mystery for decades. Recently the identity of the mam was confirmed to be independence fighter Choi Jin-dong. / Courtesy of Ban Byung-yool

You can read the whole story about how Choi Jin-dong was identified at this link. The picture was taken in Moscow during a communist conference and the guns both are wearing were actually gifts from Lenin.

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5 years ago

Commies in Korea go way back. Always take these Korean ‘freedom’ fighters with a grain of salt. Most cared nothing about Korea and only were trying to advance communism.

5 years ago

Reference the car: 1) The top is down/off during a Moscow January? Odd. 2) Guessing photo was taken primarily for the car’s novelty value (look what we have). Probably very few cars in 1922 Korea. 3) The car is likely a Russo-Baltique http://www.russkije.lv/media/original/_/2950pX.jpg without those nice sport wheels depicted in the above link.

Choi’s belt is on backwards.

5 years ago

Even though it’s blurry … the writing on the building behind them looks like Chinese. I suppose it’s possible that it’s a Korean building of some sort in Moscow. Back then they would have written the name of the organization/business in Chinese, even if it was a Korean entity.

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