Mind you, I’ve not been there for quite a while; but if that’s the Hamilton Hotel on the far left, that’s the “Japanese” side of Itaewon. With Moon’s attacks on them, tourism is bound to have slowed down and this was entirely predictable and “Sparkling!”
BTW, the flash of yellow and red on the left is/was “The Halal Guys” and behind the photographer is/was a plethora of Indo/Pak, Arabic, Turkish, and Kebab shops.
That “Casbah” motif is likely doing more to drive out other wayguks than the Japanese thing or the closing of Yongsan. YMMV.
5 years ago
Set is correct, Itaewon looks more like Algeria these days
5 years ago
Wouldn’t be surprised to see Itaewon become officetels or small apartments soon.
5 years ago
Itaeweon isn’t really a bad location. Once the base is turned over (or redeveloped as a whole bunch of those domino project housing towers (“One good earthquake and all those highrises will fall like dominoes”) there will be plenty of customers for a smart business, and by smart I mean one that isn’t holding on to the past by trying to sell stuff soldiers who are no longer there used to buy.
5 years ago
Johnhenry, the stores in the photo tweeted above mostly catwred to Japanese tourists. The migun seldom got further along the main road than the fire station.
Mind you, I’ve not been there for quite a while; but if that’s the Hamilton Hotel on the far left, that’s the “Japanese” side of Itaewon. With Moon’s attacks on them, tourism is bound to have slowed down and this was entirely predictable and “Sparkling!”
Looked very different to Google StreetView in April 2018… https://www.google.com/maps/@37.5346274,126.9953062,3a,65y,344.52h,89.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syeQrmmOduU8dRf_FrX3DWA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
BTW, the flash of yellow and red on the left is/was “The Halal Guys” and behind the photographer is/was a plethora of Indo/Pak, Arabic, Turkish, and Kebab shops.
That “Casbah” motif is likely doing more to drive out other wayguks than the Japanese thing or the closing of Yongsan. YMMV.
Set is correct, Itaewon looks more like Algeria these days
Wouldn’t be surprised to see Itaewon become officetels or small apartments soon.
Itaeweon isn’t really a bad location. Once the base is turned over (or redeveloped as a whole bunch of those domino project housing towers (“One good earthquake and all those highrises will fall like dominoes”) there will be plenty of customers for a smart business, and by smart I mean one that isn’t holding on to the past by trying to sell stuff soldiers who are no longer there used to buy.
Johnhenry, the stores in the photo tweeted above mostly catwred to Japanese tourists. The migun seldom got further along the main road than the fire station.