ROK Justice Minister Issues Order to Prevent Special Investigations

This should come as no surprise to people who have been following this issue:

Choo Mi-ae on Friday issued her first special order as justice minister, requiring the state prosecution service to get prior permission before establishing special investigative units.

The order, which comes after a controversial reshuffle of the state prosecution service by Choo last week, is the Moon Jae-in administration’s latest attempt to rein in the prosecution as part of a major reform drive. (…….)

Prosecutors have not taken kindly to Choo’s order, with rumors circulating around the agency that the measure banning them from creating special units is meant to preempt the agency’s forthcoming special probe into the Ulsan case.

Joong Ang Ilbo

You can read more at the link, but the Ulsan special probe is referring to the prosecutors office investigation of the Blue House meddling in the election of Ulsan’s mayor in favor of a President Moon confidant.

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5 years ago

Can they be any more obviously corrupt

5 years ago

She might as well purge the courts too. They haven’t been jailing enough Lee or Park former government members.

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