President Moon Advocates for Breaking International Sanctions on North Korea

It will be interesting to see if the Trump administration responds to President Moon’s advocacy for South Korea to break international sanctions on the North:

President Moon Jae-in selects a reporter to ask a question during a news conference for the new year at Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul on Jan. 14, 2020. (Yonhap)

President Moon Jae-in stressed the need Tuesday to expand inter-Korean cooperation, saying it could be conducive to drumming up international support for sanctions relief for the communist neighbor.

Speaking at his New Year’s press conference, he made it clear that South Korea will not sit idle waiting for Pyongyang-Washington dialogue to bear fruit.

“If (we) broaden cooperative ties between South and North to the maximum, it would not only facilitate North Korea-U.S. dialogue but also help win international support in connection with some exemptions or exceptions to sanctions on North Korea,” the president said.


You can read more at the link, but the term “inter-Korean cooperation” is code for restarting the Kaesong Industrial Park and Gumgang Resort tours which were both cash cows for the Kim regime. Essentially what President Moon is advocating for is continuing to fund the North Korean military machine with no reciprocal denuclearization agreement in place. Agreements like this is what allowed North Korea to become a nuclear menace in the first place and Moon wants double down on this policy.

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David Winter
David Winter
5 years ago

Trump should get pro-active, and let everyone know that South Korea is a sovereign nation that can trade with whoever they like, but since North Korea is under UN Sanctions, the US will have no choice but to sanction any South Korean company or person that trades with the North. Problem solved, either way.

5 years ago

Only conducive to Fatty’s luxury shopping and wallet.

5 years ago

commie moon is disgusting.

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