Should President Moon’s “Wednesday Night Massacre” Be Considered an Impeachable Offense?

ROK Drop favorite One Free Korea has a great run down on the Wednesday Night Massacre that President Moon executed to stop the investigation into the corruption allegations surrounding his administration:

New ROK Justice Ministe Choo Mi-ae who executed the Wednesday Night Massacre to help stop the corruption investigations into the Moon administration.

IF ONLY HE’D MASSACRED THEM ON A SATURDAY NIGHT, the metaphor would have been impeccable. But when South Korea’s President, Moon Jae-in, directs his Justice Minister, Choo Mi-aeto reassign 32 prosecutors as they closed in on political corruption in his office—four months before elections will decide whether his party will have a majority to pass laws or a supermajority to amend the Constitution—it should have been the biggest news since the impeachment of his predecessor, Park Geun-hye. Last night, the “liberal” “human rights lawyer” may have inflicted a death blow to the rule of law in Korea’s “vibrant democracy.” When a government ceases to be accountable, it ceases to be democratic, because the people are denied the knowledge to govern themselves intelligently.

One Free Korea

I highly recommend reading the whole thing at the link which lays out all the corruption allegations and what the Moon administration is doing to cover up each one of them before April’s National Assembly elections.

People protested and demanded impeachment of the prior President Park Geun-hye for far less then this.

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5 years ago

South Koreans need to scratch out this tune. They need to determine what kind of government they want, and stop voting for anything else.

5 years ago

Moon’s whole presidency has been an impeachable offence.

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