Why is Chinese Ambassador Given Free Pass for Criticizing ROK Government when U.S. Ambassador is Not?

I think all of us that follow these issues know why this is:

New Chinese Ambassador Xing Haiming, wearing a protective mask, speaks to reporters. Yonhap

In all fairness, one may wonder why the “new” Chinese ambassador to Seoul was given a free pass on his diplomatic gaffe, while the U.S. ambassador ― who was born to a Japanese mother ― was pilloried over his mustache that critics compared to the facial hair of Japanese colonial-period leaders preying on Koreans. 

If one were to draw comparisons of Ambassador Harry Harris to Japan’s cruel governor-general during that country’s 1940-1945 occupation, then it would be justified in comparing Ambassador Xing Haiming to arrogant senior messengers from Ming or Qing emperors who treated Joseon kings as their subordinates. 

Korea Times

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Korean Man
Korean Man
5 years ago

Apples and oranges (US and China). US ambassador is hounding you trying to shake you down for $billions upon $billions. He’s just an annoyance. Chinese ambassador, on the other hand, represents a country that holds $300 billion of South Korean assets, countless number of South Korean companies, where access to the Chinese labor market is crucial to the success of the South Korean economy. You play with the hand that you are dealt with.

5 years ago

Commie moon dances to Xi fiddle. In November 1950 Korea was unified, then the communist Chinese invaded.

5 years ago

Emperor Xi’s messenger calls the shots.

5 years ago

When did that Korea Times columnist wake up? Oh was consistently one sided anti-American before.

4 years ago

Korea once had to answer to China in ancient times. I guess those times are coming back. Stand on your own two feet Korea!! Enough with answering to foreign powers.

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