The Korea Medical Association Calls for a Temporary Ban on Chinese Students in South Korea

Right now the Moon administration will likely not take this medical advice because the political calculations are currently taking precedent. However, if the coronavirus continues to have more huge outbreaks like we saw in Daegu that may change those calculations:

Chinese students at Honam University in Gwangju, some 330 kilometers south of Seoul, enter a school dormitory, where they will be quarantined for 14 days, Tuesday. Yonhap

Medical experts and university officials called on the government Wednesday to ban Chinese students from entering Korea amid mounting fears that they could bring the coronavirus with them.

The Korea Medical Association (KMA), the nation’s largest doctors group, which has been calling for the controversial entry ban, stepped up its calls after the health authorities confirmed 15 more cases of COVID-19 Wednesday. It said the contagious virus has been spreading rapidly in local communities.

Universities are also struggling to find ways of managing their Chinese students as nearly 70,000 students are set to return to South Korea for the spring semester. Although health authorities and the Ministry of Education announced a series of initiatives to better manage and prevent the possible spread of the novel virus, the KMA said that restrictions on entry from China is the most urgent action from the government needed right now.

Korea Times

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5 years ago

70,000 infected young people from China: Perfectly OK.

Self Defense exercises involving even one ship or plane from Japan: **** No!

Yeah. Moon hates South Korea as much as Merkel hates West Germans.

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