Moon Administration Upset with Shimane Prefecture’s Takeshima Day

I think the Korean left actually enjoys the fact that Shimane prefecture has had an annual Takeshima Day since 2005 just so they have an excuse to vent their anti-Japanese sentiment:

At the Seoul City Council on Feb. 21, lawmakers of the ruling Democratic Party and members of the special committee of protecting Dokdo read a statement demanding Japan to abolish the Takeshima Day. Yonhap

South Korea lodged a strong protest Saturday against Japan’s renewed claims to South Korea’s easternmost islets of Dokdo.

Seoul’s foreign ministry called in Hirohisa Soma, a senior official at the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, and expressed regret over Japan’s annual event meant to publicize its territorial claim to Dokdo.

“We again sternly urged Japan to immediately repeal” its event on Dokdo, the ministry said in a statement.

The protest came hours after the Japanese prefecture of Shimane held the Takeshima Day event and a senior Japanese government official attended the ceremony. 

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but Koreans should just ignore this stupidity from a backwater Japanese prefecture, but it is too much red meat for the Korean left wing base to ignore especially before April’s parliamentary elections.

I do have to give the Korean left credit because they have at least toned down their annual response to Takeshima Day. I can remember the good old days of the Great Dokdo War.  I can still remember the hard days when those of us in Korea had to stock up on food and supplies to survive the initial declaration of war from President Roh Moo-hyun.  We made it through multiple cease firesclose calls, and even the failure of the Daemado campaign.  

Times had been so desperate there was even talk about recruiting North Korea to fight off the evil Japanese Imperialists.  Though the casualties on the Korean side have been heavy at times, through it all the brave defenders of Dokdo have continued thwart the massive Japanese armada descending on the islet.  

We were also treated back then to such Korean patriots like Flag Eater ManChung Dong-youngthe Finger Chopping Lady, the Knife in the Gut ManWeed Killer Man, the Dokdo Riders, and most importantly that great general of all things Dokdo, Bee-Man.  Sorry Korean Democratic Party, you have nothing on these great defenders of Dokdo.

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5 years ago

I’m upset commie moon is working for Xi and still allows infected chinese into Korea…

5 years ago

I’m upset the Navy Club shutdown because of Commie Moon.

4 years ago

What is this, Festivus?

I am happy and thanking God that I’m still wasting oxygen and pizza. That coffee still tastes good. That avocados are on ssle at Sprouts. That it’s raining. That my truck’s AC was just low on Freon, not actually broken.

And more things than I can count without making an even bigger nuisance of myself than normal.

4 years ago

Korea: “Stop touching me!”

Japan: “Why are you hitting yourself?”

4 years ago

CH, you captured it perfectly.

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