How Patient 31 Spread the Coronavirus in South Korea

Here is the story of how patient 31 spread the coronavirus that has nearly sealed off Daegu from the rest of the country because of its spread:

Patient 31 first checked into the Saeronan Chinese Medicine Hospital on Feb. 7, complaining of headaches after being involved in a car accident the day before. According to the hospital, the patient didn’t have any record of traveling overseas nor any known contact with a coronavirus patient. She also didn’t have any fever, cough or respiratory symptoms.

On the third day of being hospitalized, the patient developed a fever and received a flu test, which came back negative, according to the hospital.

The next day, she left the hospital for two hours to attend a morning service at the Shincheonji church in southern Daegu, according to Korea’s CDC. It’s common in South Korea for hospital patients to come and go — even walking outside wearing hospital garb and wheeling intravenous drips alongside them.

The woman also had lunch with a friend at a hotel in eastern Daegu on Feb. 15 and attended another Shincheonji worship service on Feb. 16, the country’s health authorities said.

It wasn’t until Feb. 17, as her condition worsened and a scan showed signs of pneumonia, that doctors were prompted to test for the coronavirus. Ten days after Patient 31 first set foot in a hospital, her infection was confirmed after a diagnosis at a public health clinic.

Health officials in South Korea still don’t know how she was infected, and how she spread the virus to fellow Shincheonji members.


You can read more at the link.

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4 years ago

“Patient 31 first checked into the Saeronan Chinese Medicine Hospital”. Well, that was another one of P31’s mistakes. She should’ve gone to a real doctor.

“t’s common in South Korea for hospital patients to come and go — even walking outside wearing hospital garb and wheeling intravenous drips alongside them.”

Nylon patients are still a thing in Korea?

4 years ago

^^ Most definitely. It is funny to see them outside with iv drips to take a smoke break. First time I seen it, I thought they must be escaping from the hospital, 😆

4 years ago

^^If you see a nylon patient now, you might want to steer clear. Friends of mine in Busan got put on home quarantine along with their entire apartment complex. All this because a Chinese guy who had tested positive for the disease escaped from the hospital where he was quarantined and was caught in a spa in my friends’ apartment complex.

4 years ago

There is a disturbing growth of two and three degrees of seperation this week.

4 years ago

This patient has been demonized in the media, but really, did she do anything most of us would not do? She went to a doctor, no one found anything wrong, so she went about her business until she really did become seriously ill.

4 years ago

Ask about the chinese hospital worker that returned from China. How do you think 31 caught it? Chinese hospital worker. Commie pres. Moon directly responsible for every death in Korea.

4 years ago

I think she got the virus from attending services. After all, some of their leaders went to Wuhan to preach to their followers there, and then they returned to Korea.

4 years ago

Mamamia copies your shit

4 years ago

What the Korean government won’t talk about is the Chinese workers in the health care facility where the ‘church’ leader’s brother was being cared for. (Many Chinese nationals work in Korea long term care and old persons homes.) In this particular case the Chinese workers had been back to China for lunar new year and returned. Soon after the ‘church’ leaders brother had CCP virus and member of the congregation visited the brother in this care facility. Sure, the patient #31 should have taken the been to a real hospital and then followed care guidance but it still all started with workers from China spreading the virus. Allowed in because commie moon did not stop travel from Communist China.

4 years ago

Andy1: What’s even worse than that was I saw one nylon patient dragging along an oxygen tank while he was smoking outside. Yeah, that’s intelligent behavior.

4 years ago

“nylon patient”… Nothin’ racist or sexist there… Must be the life of the party…

4 years ago

Heh heh heh. It’s not a 韓(Korean)方病院 한방병원 but a 漢(Chinese)方病院 now.
Anyway, the hospital is a [Korean] Chinese Traditional Medicine hospital. The whole Accupuncture and herbal remedies thing.
Pretty standard stuff. Setnaffa might see from their website that they are using just http and they are using a hanmail address, which tells me if they are skimping on the IT budget they probably cut costs in other areas, like say, disinfectants?

What’s really funny is they have a “in the media” section which mysteriously hasn’t been updated since September 2019.

4 years ago

Holy Crap! Their consulting and their appointment sections don’t have any encryption for your personal information, password, or medical information that you send describing your health issue! It’s plaintext!! Flat out breaking the Personal Privacy Information Protection Act 개인정보보호법 here.

4 years ago

If patient 31 used this website to make an appointment an amateur hacker could pull the entire SQL database to find out which patients had appointments on the same day as patient 31 and use that to narrow down their identity.

4 years ago

Wow!! If I was still in my CEH class, I could have looked them up with… tools… But now it might be seen as an attack, so I will leave that to anyone who understands Kali.

Ah to be young and naive again…

4 years ago

If you’re fool enough to go to a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner to cure you, well, you deserve whatever happens. This situation is a real disease and it requires real medicine to work. And by real, I mean evidence-based.

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