USFK Commander Declares a Public Health Emergency

It looks like General Abrams has had enough with civilians putting troops at risk by spreading the coronavirus and has declared a public health emergency:

General Abrams

“In order to ensure I possess the necessary authorities needed to enforce compliance and protect the force, I have declared a Public Health Emergency for all U.S. commands and military installations” in South Korea, Abrams said in a video announcement.

He said the new designation applies to all service members, family members, U.S. and South Korean civilian employees, contractors and Defense Department retirees who have access to U.S. military installations.

Violations will be subject to punishment including barring individuals from installations, he added.

The overall number of confirmed infections in South Korea has been on a downward trend in recent days, but health authorities have warned that the threat remains due to cluster outbreaks and imported cases.

Commanders also have expressed increasing concern about complacency, particularly among civilian employees who cannot be forced to follow the same orders as service members to avoid nonessential travel and off-post social activities.

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4 years ago

Numbers in Korea trending back up 100 two days ago, yesterday 104…..think it will yo-yo for a long time

4 years ago

Alert went out that a female soldier who resides in the barracks on base has the virus. I hope she wore a mask while she rode the buses and went to different establishments on base.

4 years ago

Andy, her case is/was a master class of what not to do. Rode the bus, went to the super gym several times, went to the PX twice, disregarded test instructions, went to eating places knowing that her co-worker tested positive, took a taxi to and from getting tested. She should have been in self-isolation already but no, no one can tell her how to live her life….Now hearing there is another case related to the same work place….Clown Show.

Korean Man
Korean Man
4 years ago

Flyingsword, that woman sounds like another patient #31 Shincheonji member ❗

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