Important Context of Coronavirus Statistics

Here is some important context about the coronavirus statistics that very, very few in the media ever mention; they are not accurate and should not be trusted:

In between the rushes, data fatigue would sink it and I would promise myself I’d be better … until another surge of coronavirus figures hit the streets. 

Then one morning, in what can only be described as a moment of revelation, my rational brain punched through the haze and made me look at what I’d become.

I had elevated numbers and statistics to a position of power and influence. But worse, I had awarded them a legitimacy that they neither earned, nor deserved.

Numbers and statistics had become my master and I their slave. I had begun to follow them as if they were worthy of my trust and deserving of my full attention. (………….)

“The statistics that we see in print or online depend entirely on the number of confirmed cases, but as every international expert agrees, in most countries the number of undocumented cases of infection far exceeds the number of ‘confirmed cases.’

“We do not report all the cases. In fact, we only usually report a small proportion of them. If it were possible to identify every case of infection, only then would we be able to arrive at an accurate rate of case fatality”. 

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but the coronavirus is highly contagious and likely has infected far many more people than the reported cases. From the article one scientific study concluded that 86% of the people infected in the Wuhan province of China went undetected.

However, I expect the media to continue to highlight inflated mortality rates to keep people in panic and thus continuing to tune into their news reports and clicking their articles.

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2ID Doc
2ID Doc
4 years ago

I’ve stopped reading numbers and focused a bit more (a small bit) on percentages, which are nor reported as it would calm the corona PANdemIC. I believe the positive tests are above 50% (not counting celebrities and wealthy who seem to magically get tested despite the chronic shortage of tests) but the actual mortality percentage is hovering around 1% relative to the positive tests. I discount any headline that compares anything to China. I am convinced emperor xi has cooked the numbers so we will never know the real positive tests nor the number of dead.

4 years ago

Doc, I was just in the hospital over the weekend (renal colic: probably too much coffee, not enough water) and while they’re “serious”, they aren’t “serious, serious”… They don’t allow visitors and check everyone for symptoms; but no “real” hazmat suits…

4 years ago

Of the two types of test kits, one that tests for active virus’ and the other that test for antibodies, the people that study these things will probably request extensive use of the latter.

Even for people who’ve had minor to no symptoms and fully recovered, antibodies reveal if they’ve had recent contact with the virus giving better numbers on its true spread.

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