Chinese Study Says People With Type O Blood More Resistant to Coronavirus
|This was a Chinese study, so like with any information coming from China be suspicious of its accuracy:

People with type A blood are more likely to catch coronavirus while those with type O seem more resistant, a preliminary study of about 2,000 patients in China showed.
Korea Times
A team of Chinese researchers, led by Wang Xinghuan from the Centre for Evidence-Based and Translational Medicine at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, conducted the study.
They took blood group patterns of patients in Wuhan and Shenzhen and compared them to local healthy populations. They found that blood type A patients showed a higher rate of infection and tended to develop more severe symptoms.
In the general population, type O blood (34 percent) is more common than type A (32 percent). But in the infected, this was reversed, with type O people at 25 percent and type A at 41 percent. People with type O blood made up 25 percent of deaths in the research. Normally, people with type O blood account for 32 percent Wuhan’s population.
You can read more at the link.
As you say: I’ll believe this when non-Chinese sources run their own tests and confirm the claim. Frankly, I’d love to believe this, given that I’m O-positive. But the news is coming from China, so…
If this is confirmed by other researchers, it could explain why the spread was so fast and furious in South Korea where there are a lot of people with Type A and AB blood.
Frankly, these numbers are manufactured to support a carefully-crafted narrative.
I wouldn’t believe anything coming out of communist China right now.
Everything published or said out of communist china is BS! Lie upon lie upon lie. Communist China needs to be banned from participating in all world events and activities until the communist are gone.
Not sure what the mechanism for this would be.
The coronavirus doesn’t attack red blood cells (mature rbcs contain no DNA, to my knowledge). O blood type plasma would contain antibodies to A and B but why would that matter? Betting (if this is true) it’s correlation not causation.
Liz, you’re right! 89% of cases not detected or suspected (asymptomatic). All, or nearly all deaths in people with serious diseases like emphysema, cancer (particularly if on chemo), heart disease, etc.
The danger goes up rapidly above 60; but still, I’ve not heard of any deaths where corona was the only health issue.
Blaming bloodtype is like blaming a ceiling fan…