Setnaffa, a blog that’s called “American Greatness”? 🙄
If I posted stuff from a blog called “Korean Greatness”, I’m sure that’s going to go well here. 🙄
You rightwing American white nationalists do seem to live and abide by the Trumpean greatness. Make America Great Again, as great as South Korea.
4 years ago
Meanwhile, it was a Panamanian-flagged ship that had just left China, so Beilng Man is upset… And that’s just one site. Google the ship’s name…
4 years ago
Why is Korea allowing any ship from China in? Do you want more CCP Virus, because this is how you get more CCP Virus.
Korean Man
4 years ago
Republican Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland leaned on his wife, a Korean immigrant, to get supplies for his state: “Let’s talk to them in Korean, and tell them we need their help.”
Things are not going well in Trumpland when you have to rely on Maryland’s governor’s ethnic wife to get some help for his state because the President dwaddles while the many lives are being lost.
4 years ago
On July 15, 2015, Hogan endorsed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in his campaign for the Republican nomination for the presidency. In June 2016, Hogan stated that he had no plans to support Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee… In October 2019, Hogan announced his support for the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry against Trump. In February 2020, following Trump’s impeachment by the Democratic-led House and subsequent acquittal by the Republican-controlled Senate, Hogan criticized Congress, saying that House Democrats “had already decided before the hearings that the president should be impeached” and that Senate Republicans were going to acquit Trump “no matter what the facts were”.
Just amazed over how many have fallen for this whole ruse.
Will the fired Captain be able to claim this as a mitigating factor? Won’t help anyway…
I small some bad Dim Sum here, too:
The POS stands for piece of sh*t.
Speaking of bad driving skills…
Setnaffa, a blog that’s called “American Greatness”? 🙄
If I posted stuff from a blog called “Korean Greatness”, I’m sure that’s going to go well here. 🙄
You rightwing American white nationalists do seem to live and abide by the Trumpean greatness. Make America Great Again, as great as South Korea.
Meanwhile, it was a Panamanian-flagged ship that had just left China, so Beilng Man is upset… And that’s just one site. Google the ship’s name…
Why is Korea allowing any ship from China in? Do you want more CCP Virus, because this is how you get more CCP Virus.
Republican Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland leaned on his wife, a Korean immigrant, to get supplies for his state: “Let’s talk to them in Korean, and tell them we need their help.”
Things are not going well in Trumpland when you have to rely on Maryland’s governor’s ethnic wife to get some help for his state because the President dwaddles while the many lives are being lost.
On July 15, 2015, Hogan endorsed New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in his campaign for the Republican nomination for the presidency. In June 2016, Hogan stated that he had no plans to support Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee… In October 2019, Hogan announced his support for the U.S. House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry against Trump. In February 2020, following Trump’s impeachment by the Democratic-led House and subsequent acquittal by the Republican-controlled Senate, Hogan criticized Congress, saying that House Democrats “had already decided before the hearings that the president should be impeached” and that Senate Republicans were going to acquit Trump “no matter what the facts were”.
He’s you kinda guy, isn’t he, Beijing Man?
Pretty much what it says on the tin: A container ship took out one of the cranes in Busan. And I thought my first ship was bad…
Boris Johnson is out of ICU! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
YAY! Go Bo Jo!