North Korea Tests Cruise Missiles on Eve of Korean Parliamentary Elections

With the parliamentary elections under way in South Korea and the birthday of North Korean leader Kim Il-sung coming up, the North Koreans couldn’t keep quiet:

These photos published by the North’s daily Rodong Sinmun on June 9, 2017, show the launch of the country’s new surface-to-ship cruise missile. The report said leader Kim Jong-un observed the missile launch, which South Korea detected a day earlier.

North Korea fired what appeared to be cruise missiles off its east coast and air-to-ground missiles from fighter jets into the East Sea on Tuesday, South Korea’s military said, in muscle-flexing maneuvers on the eve of the late national founder’s birthday and the South’s general elections.

The surface-to-ship cruise missiles were fired northeastward from areas near its eastern coastal town of Munchon at around 7 a.m. during a time period of more than 40 minutes, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said, adding they flew around 150 kilometers before splashing into waters off the east coast.

Along with the missile launches, the North flew Sukhoi-variant fighter jets and MiG-type planes above the eastern coastal city of Wonsan, and fired multiple air-to-ground missiles into the East Sea, the JCS added.


You can read more at the link, but this was the first cruise missile test by the North Koreans since 2017.

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4 years ago

If they have money for shooting missiles, they have money for food. No more food aid.

4 years ago

nK targeting the virus with cruise missiles; why they have 0 cases. Ask the W.H.O., they will back that up…

4 years ago

I’m surprised their planes could still fly after all these years.

4 years ago

“Planes” implies maybe 2 of each?

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