Cool! If only he could inspire South Koreans to want freedom, too.
4 years ago
Too bad he’ll be the first to the gulag and first shot in the Confederacy.
Korean Man
4 years ago
Setnaffa, that’s an ironic statement to make about freedom when your country is under a total lockdown with all your citizens locked up in their homes like prisoners, unable to go to work and live like human beings. All that when South Korea just had a massive free election, its citizens free to go out, to work, and to live as if it’s ordinary times. I hear US is having problems finding toilet papers, fighting over them like a third world country instead of developing a comprehensive plan to fight this disease. I wonder who is freer now. Now try not to get too mad on South Koreans with harsh words. After all, it’s our coronavirus test kits that you depend on to save your life and your family’s. If South Korea didn’t step up after your commander in chief phoned to beg the Commie Moon, you would have to rely on Chinese made test kits. Such is the burden for South Korea to clean up the mess you leaders made for America.
4 years ago
Why is it commies are unable to meme or be succinct?
2ID Doc
4 years ago
The US (and much of Europe) is under lockdown now because unlike your home which locked down an entire province but still let the virus out or your claimed home which your coup president all but invited thousands of Chinese in, even after the medical groups told him not to do it, had to lockdown that country to prevent the spread but still couldn’t contain it, or found religious institutions a convenient scapegoat. It took longer for the virus to take hold in the US and Europe and those countries have enacted various levels of lockdown to prevent the spread. To in your proselytizing about how great China & Korea are, just remember those countries stated this mess, for once the US was a victim not an instigator, unless of course you believe your overlords in Beijing who say the US came over and infected the bats when no one was looking…
Korean Man
4 years ago
2ID Doc, I’m sorry what exactly are you talking about when you say an ‘entire province was locked down’? South Korea didn’t lock down any place. People had the freedom to come and go, even in the worst affected regions in Daegu. As for locking down China, most countries in the world, including the United States banned travelers from China, but that didn’t slow the spread in those countries. In fact, they are in far worse shape now, compared to South Korea. So obviously it wouldn’t have mattered if South Korea blocked China or not. The real question should be why the US still has 3000 people dying of the Coronavirus daily. At this rate, there will be 300,000 dead Americans by the end of this year. We all knew before this began that China was going to be the epicenter of another major epidemic and the world was warned about it numerously. South Korea prepared for it, but the West didn’t take it seriously, so who’s fault is that? The US is a victim of poor leadership that’s living in a fantasy world, instead of reality. Watch the fiasco between Maryland’s Republican governor Larry Hogan and your Orange Man, it’s hilarious.
Cool! If only he could inspire South Koreans to want freedom, too.
Too bad he’ll be the first to the gulag and first shot in the Confederacy.
Setnaffa, that’s an ironic statement to make about freedom when your country is under a total lockdown with all your citizens locked up in their homes like prisoners, unable to go to work and live like human beings. All that when South Korea just had a massive free election, its citizens free to go out, to work, and to live as if it’s ordinary times. I hear US is having problems finding toilet papers, fighting over them like a third world country instead of developing a comprehensive plan to fight this disease. I wonder who is freer now. Now try not to get too mad on South Koreans with harsh words. After all, it’s our coronavirus test kits that you depend on to save your life and your family’s. If South Korea didn’t step up after your commander in chief phoned to beg the Commie Moon, you would have to rely on Chinese made test kits. Such is the burden for South Korea to clean up the mess you leaders made for America.
Why is it commies are unable to meme or be succinct?
The US (and much of Europe) is under lockdown now because unlike your home which locked down an entire province but still let the virus out or your claimed home which your coup president all but invited thousands of Chinese in, even after the medical groups told him not to do it, had to lockdown that country to prevent the spread but still couldn’t contain it, or found religious institutions a convenient scapegoat. It took longer for the virus to take hold in the US and Europe and those countries have enacted various levels of lockdown to prevent the spread. To in your proselytizing about how great China & Korea are, just remember those countries stated this mess, for once the US was a victim not an instigator, unless of course you believe your overlords in Beijing who say the US came over and infected the bats when no one was looking…
2ID Doc, I’m sorry what exactly are you talking about when you say an ‘entire province was locked down’? South Korea didn’t lock down any place. People had the freedom to come and go, even in the worst affected regions in Daegu. As for locking down China, most countries in the world, including the United States banned travelers from China, but that didn’t slow the spread in those countries. In fact, they are in far worse shape now, compared to South Korea. So obviously it wouldn’t have mattered if South Korea blocked China or not. The real question should be why the US still has 3000 people dying of the Coronavirus daily. At this rate, there will be 300,000 dead Americans by the end of this year. We all knew before this began that China was going to be the epicenter of another major epidemic and the world was warned about it numerously. South Korea prepared for it, but the West didn’t take it seriously, so who’s fault is that? The US is a victim of poor leadership that’s living in a fantasy world, instead of reality. Watch the fiasco between Maryland’s Republican governor Larry Hogan and your Orange Man, it’s hilarious.