UNC is looking for story and photo submissions from Korean War Veterans around the world to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War.#ShareYourStory#TheRememberedWar Send your submissions to: 70thShareYourStory@gmail.com pic.twitter.com/W9G6NsLjCi
— United Nations Command 유엔군사령부/유엔사 (@UN_Command) May 1, 2020
Not so many left as before. They should have started this ten or twenty years ago. All the Korean War Vets I believe I knew have passed away in that time. 😥 😥 😥
There i was, no shit, knee deep in hand grenade puns and expended LAW tubes…..
Not so many left as before. They should have started this ten or twenty years ago. All the Korean War Vets I believe I knew have passed away in that time. 😥 😥 😥