USFK Civilian Employee Helps Stop Suicide Attempt on Mapo Bridge

Good job by the USFK civilian employee responding to an attempted suicide on the Mapo Bridge in Seoul:

Andres Torres, 34, of Mount Pleasant, S.C., poses outside his office at Yongsan Garrison in Seoul, South Korea, Wednesday, May 27, 2020.

 Andres Torres was out for an early morning bike ride when he spotted two South Korean men perched dangerously on the tall barriers lining the Mapo Bridge in Seoul.

Torres, who works for the Defense Intelligence Agency on Yongsan Garrison, couldn’t remember the local emergency number (119) and doesn’t speak much Korean but felt he had to do something to keep them from jumping.

“I was just telling them, ‘This is not a good idea. You don’t want to do this. It’s a beautiful day outside,’” he said, describing the May 21 incident. “I just rambled, but at least I got their attention for a little bit.”

The city installed 8.5-foot-high, curved barriers along the bridge in 2016 to keep people from trying to jump as it had become a popular spot for suicide attempts. But the men had managed to climb on top.

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