Kim Jong-un Supposedly Opens the Regime’s Food Reserve to Aid People Hit By Flooding

This is likely just propaganda for Kim’s domestic audience to show how much he cares for his people as well as a signal to an international audience to send aid regardless of whether they need it or not:

Severe flooding caused by intense monsoon rains have prompted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un into an atypical response that may signal a dire situation in the isolated country amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Nearly 1,500 acres of rice fields have flooded and about 730 singe-story homes and 179 housing blocks have been destroyed as of early August, North Korea has announced. (………..)

According to the the regime’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), Kim ordered grain from his special food reserves to be dispensed to victims of the recent flooding. The regime also claimed that no one from the county Kim visited died in the flooding, though similar flooding has killed dozens in South Korea and China.

Business Insider

You can read more at the link, but I think what will happen is that the Kim regime and the Moon administration in South Korea will use the floods as an excuse to violate sanctions to send aid to North Korea. This move by Kim allows the Moon administration to say that, “Look even Kim Jong-un is giving up his food, how can we not help?” I guess we will see what happens.

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4 years ago

There’s Slim Fatty III in that throwback photo.

Kevin Kim
4 years ago

An extra grain of rice for the people?! Why, that’s millions of grains of rice!

4 years ago

@J6Junkie – I’m glad I was not the only one that noticed that.

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