Experts Say Nuclear Strike on North Korea Not Feasible

Anyone with any measure of intelligence on defense issues on the Korean peninsula could of told Bob Woodward that a nuclear strike on North Korea is not feasible:

Moon Chung-in, left, special security adviser to President Moon Jae-in, speaks at the East Asia Foundation in Seoul during a webinar, co-hosted by the Asia Pacific Leadership Network for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament and the foundation, Wednesday. / Courtesy of East Asia Foundation

Although Bob Woodward’s latest book, “Rage,” disclosed last month that the Donald Trump administration had reviewed firing scores of nuclear weapons at North Korea in 2017, experts said Wednesday that such an attack would not be an easy option to implement due to various reasons including possible escalation involving other countries.

In the book, based on interviews with Trump, the writer said the United States studied “OPLAN 5027” for regime change in North Korea ― the U.S. response to an attack that could include the use of 80 nuclear weapons. OPLAN 5027 refers to a joint South Korea-U.S. military operation plan to respond to a North Korean invasion.

Experts on Korean Peninsula issues saw a low chance of the plan ever being carried out, because of concerns that a U.S. nuclear strike against Pyongyang could lead to accidental escalation in the region.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link about the issues a nuclear strike on North Korea would cause.

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3 years ago

Have you ever noticed it’s the same fear pr0n sellers who push the nuclear option?

And all of them are part of the #foreverwar coalition that wants to keep grinding down US troops in meaningless wars between various Muslims in the ‘stans, in the Levant, or in Iraq? They love to push that “land war in Asia” meme.

Nuclear weapons are not a scary stick to wave around lightly; but assclowns like Bob Wormwood face no consequences for writing bad science fiction and selling it to the gullible and the feeble-minded.

May he repent before he received his wages.

3 years ago

Feasible, if, we just want to annihilate all the Parasite people.

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