BTS Slammed By Chinese Netizens for Not Honoring Chinese Soldiers Who Tried to Destroy South Korea
|China’s 50 Cent Army is getting their citizens riled up to go after BTS for not thanking Chinese for invading and attempting to destroy the Republic of Korea during the Korean War:

Fans of K-pop superstar BTS on Tuesday voiced frustration over the social media storm in China that has erupted over member RM’s recent remarks honoring those sacrificed during the Korean War.
Korea Times
In an Oct. 7 ceremony hosted by the U.S.-based nonprofit organization The Korea Society, RM, who spoke on behalf of the group that received an award for its contributions to Seoul-Washington ties, referred to the 1950-53 war where the two countries fought together.
“We will always remember the history of pain that our two nations shared together and the sacrifice of countless men and women,” the BTS rapper said on the fighting that remains one of the most significant events in the country’s modern history. (…………….)
The comment, however, stirred up a controversy in China after some people took issue with it for not acknowledging the sacrifice of Chinese people who also fought ― on North Korea’s side ― during the war.
In a story filed with the headline “BTS hurts the feelings of Chinese netizens and fans during a speech on the Korean War,” the Chinese state daily tabloid Global Times called the remark one that “reflected a one-sided attitude.”
You can read more at the link, but could you imagine what would happen if BTS recognized Chinese and Japanese troops that fought in World War II in China. The 50 Cent Army would be attacking BTS for recognizing the Japanese troops that tried to destroy China, which is the same thing the Chinese troops during the Korean War tried to do to the ROK.
It is pretty clear that the Chinese propaganda apparatus is trying to put BTS in its place and letting them know they better always talk positively about China or else. This usually works with most companies, players, and entertainers, but will it work BTS? I suspect they will probably get in line with Chinese propaganda to maintain access to the Chinese market.
BTS doesn’t need China though, unlike, the smaller kpop bands. They could surf this Red wave through.
All over the world, the crybullies keep pushing their feelz.
Tell ’em to piss up a rope.
Each of us–American, Korean, Chinese, Russian, etc.–has to decide for themselves. Will we stand up for freedom or surrender to the mob?