Chinese President Claims Victory Over America During Korean War Commemoration

Here is some more standard Chinese propaganda that people scoff at outside of China, but all Emperor President Xi cares about is what his domestic audience thinks and they believe this:

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (L) talks to Chinese President Xi Jinping at a banquet in Beijing on June 19, 2018, in this photo carried by North Korea’s Rodong Sinmun the following day.  (Yonhap)

It was a time of Chinese sacrifice and bravery in the face of U.S. aggression. It was a just war in which the hardscrabble, newly established People’s Republic reluctantly stood up to American imperialists – and the Americans, richer but hardly tougher, were beaten.

That may not be the complete story of the Korean War, a major 20th century conflict that touched off when North Korea invaded the South in June 1950, drawing in the United States, the United Nations and eventually China.

But this week, that tidy narrative has overwhelmed China’ state newspapers, dominated the airwaves and even filled box offices as the Communist Party rolled out an unprecedented week of commemorative events and coverage to mark 70 years since Chairman Mao Zedong sent Chinese forces across the Yalu River and ground the Americans to a stalemate.

With U.S.-China tensions at the highest point in years, Chinese leader Xi Jinping hammered home the message in a blistering televised address about the “magnificent” War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, as the Korean War is commonly referred to in China.

Washington Post

You can read more at the link.

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4 years ago

Well, North Korea still exists, so yes, they did win.

4 years ago

Like Don said.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
4 years ago

So they finally admitting after 70 years that the CCF were ordered into Norkistan by Mao…propoganda was the Reds “volunteered” to fight…

Korean Man
Korean Man
4 years ago

The US certainly didn’t win.

4 years ago

Beijing Boy won because he can drink Starbucks and isn’t eating tree bark like his northern cousins.

4 years ago

The fact that there is still a Republic of Korea also points out that we (i.e., the UN) didn’t lose. The difference between North and South Korea over the last 70 has shown the Chinese “winning” just cost millions of Korean lives–far worse than any other enemy has done.

But perhaps Tokyo boy has another quote from a Japanese politician to edify us with? Maybe something about nose-tombs or Nagasaki or Nanjing?

Teach us, enlightened one! How does the parasite army show what Korea won?

Tokyo Boy
Tokyo Boy
4 years ago

Except that ROK now needs to pay up $5 billion because the US said so.

4 years ago

In which our ill-mannered troll advertises his(?) complete lack of understanding of capitalism, haggling, negotiations, and winning.

Then again, they don’t teach those in the People’s Republic.

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