Democratic Party Leader Wants Police to Continue Crackdown on Conservative Rallies

The Democratic Party of Korea appears to really be enjoying the crackdown on their conservative critics:

The Gwanghwamun Square is void of visitors Saturday as a large number of police officers and vehicles were mobilized to block protesters from gathering for mass rallies amid concerns over the spread of the coronavirus. (Yonhap)

Lee Nak-yon, the head of the ruling Democratic Party, said in a Facebook post Saturday that the police should work to prevent rallies planned for Hangeul Day, which falls Oct. 9. He thanked law enforcement for almost perfectly preventing illegal protests on Oct. 3.

“We are somewhat relieved at the moment, but some organizations have announced plans for more rallies on Hangeul Day,” Lee wrote, adding that preventing mass gatherings will help the country stay clear of the virus and shore up its struggling economy.

“Whatever the reason may be, illegal gatherings and deterring virus control measures are by no means acceptable. I hope the police do the same and block illegal rallies on Hangeul Day while preventing potential danger.”

Korea Herald

You can read more at the link, but it is clear they plan to use the coronavirus as an excuse to stop anti-government rallies for as long as possible.

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4 years ago


4 years ago

Communist party.

4 years ago

Seoul is getting exactly what they voted for. And it’s about to get worse.

Korean Man
Korean Man
4 years ago

The worst that’s going to happen is they will stop another big round of spread of COVID causing 400 per day infections and dozens dead each day, like back in August. Now that the daily infections are down to 65 a day, we want to prevent another 2.5 level lockdown that causes the economy to stand still. That’s the worst that will happen. But the Trumpsters of Make America Great again crowd just don’t get it. Go bury your deads, and worry about your dirty infected ship.

4 years ago

Science deniers unite, eh Bejing boi?

4 years ago

Communists: You can vote them into office, but you have to drive them out…

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