Korean-Americans Head to the Polls to Vote for the Next President

Today is the big day for the U.S. election:

Koreans with voting rights in the U.S. head to the polls today to cast their ballots in what is considered one of the messiest, most contentious and controversial presidential elections in U.S. history. 

As unpredictable as this election night is expected to be, it is unclear whether Koreans, as a whole, will choose the Democratic or Republican ticket.

”I’ve never struggled this much to make up my mind on who to vote,” said Park Dong-hwan, 56, who owns a laundry business in the suburbs of Seattle. After acquiring U.S. citizenship, this is his third time voting in the U.S. presidential election. 

”I’ve always been a Republican, but I didn’t want to vote for Trump. I really didn’t,” said Park, who still ended up voting for the Republican candidate via mail-in ballot. ”That was my biggest struggle.”

Same goes for Democratic supporter Ji Choi, 34, who is yet to decide which way her vote will go.

”I fundamentally support Democratic policies, but the presidential and vice presidential candidates seem to be much farther left than what I’d like,” she said, adding that she may end up not voting at all. (……..)

”Many of the older Koreans like me, who run a small business, vote for Trump not because we love him as an individual. We’re making the decision based on the Republican party’s economic policies,” said Park Jin-moo, 63, who recently participated in a ”Koreans for Trump” rally held in Los Angeles.

Law enforcement is another issue older Koreans are focusing on. 

”We can’t have riots run loose, but a Biden administration will likely lead to weaker law enforcement, which in turn leaves small business vulnerable to looting,” said Park.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but I can definitely understand why a Korean-American with a small business would vote for Trump considering how many of them have had their businesses destroyed or impacted negatively by recent policies from their local governments.

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3 years ago

On May 31, 1916, Roosevelt addressed the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization, on what he called “the subject of Americanism.”:

I stand for straight Americanism unconditioned and unqualified, and I stand against every form of hyphenated Americanism. I do not speak of the hyphen when it is employed as a mere convenience, although personally, I like to avoid its use even in such manner. I speak and condemn its use whenever it represents an effort to form political parties along racial lines or to bring pressure to bear on parties and politicians, not for American purposes, but in the interest of some group of voters of a certain national origin, or of the country from which they or their fathers came.

Americanism is not a matter of creed, birthplace or national descent, but of the soul and of the spirit. If the American has the right stuff in him, I care not a snap of my fingers whether he is Jew or Gentile, Catholic or Protestant. I care not a snap of my fingers whether his ancestors came over in the Mayflower, or whether he was born, or his parents were born, in Germany, Ireland, France, England, Scandinavia, Russia or Italy or any other country. All I ask of the immigrant is that he shall be physically and intellectually fit, of sound character, and eager in good faith to become an American citizen. If the immigrant is of the right kind I am for him, and if the native American* is of the wrong kind I am against him….

….Now for our own citizens. We represent many different race strains. Our ancestors came from many different Old World nationalities. It will spell ruin to this nation if these nationalities remain separated from one another instead of being assimilated to the new and larger American life.

The children and our children’s children of all of us have to live here in this land together. Our children’s children will intermarry, one another, your children’s children, friends, and mine. Even if they wished, they could not remain citizens of foreign countries….The effort to keep our citizenship divided against itself by the use of the hyphen and along the lines of national origin is certain to breed a spirit of bitterness and prejudice and dislike between great bodies of our citizens.

Things have not changed.

3 years ago

Why bring that up? Because of this offensive excerpt from the article:

Koreans with voting rights in the U.S.

“Koreans” don’t have voting rights over here. But Americans do. All Americans are Americans, regardless of DNA, suntan, or ability to speak multiple languages.

3 years ago

Do the right thing, please.
When do they start tallying up the votes?
I remember last year they started early because Hillary had a party to go to.

Trimson Grondag
Trimson Grondag
3 years ago

Ugh, it’s absolutely disgusting to see so called people vote Traitorcrat. They should be executed.

3 years ago

Actually, TG’s comment is far closer to treason than someone exercising their vote is. What, really, has Trump offered other than lie after lie, nepotism, and complete incompetence?

As for liz’s comment:

“Do the right thing, please.
When do they start tallying up the votes?
I remember last year they started early because Hillary had a party to go to.

Where are you getting that nonsense from? That’s not even close to how votes are tallied anywhere in the United States.

3 years ago

Johnhenry, you never fail to disappoint when I feel the need to laugh at stupid people saying stupid things. Thanks for being my personal little clown.

I would happily treat you respectfully as a person and love to discuss your different views… but you don’t have views… and you aren’t really a complete person. You are just a tool… a sad little broken tool coming to the end of your usefulness.

You yap the self-destructive propaganda you have been programmed to yap… but flee when asked to explain yourself… because you cannot. Your yapping is composed of manufactured talking points and isn’t a rational opinion formed through education and experience and thoughtfulness. And you are not self-aware enough to even recognize this.

You choose to be a tool rather than an engaged person… so you will get treated like a tool… or a clown… or a mixed metaphor… though both labels literally describe you and aren’t metaphors.


Neither voting Democrat nor calling for the extermination of those voting against America’s interests in anywhere close to treason.


Liz is likely referring to the fact that there was no delay in counting votes in 2016 as Hillary believed her own propaganda and confidently waited to be crowned president amid a large number of party-goers… symbolically under an actual glass ceiling… as she and her cronies were too busy with intersectional race theory to study civics and learn that American presidential elections are decided by electoral votes rather than popular votes. Good job, Hillary.

Johnhenry, is there anything that you ever say that isn’t wrong, stupid, or uninformed?

3 years ago

Sadly, I fear the johnhenry of legend has been secretly replaced by something less potent than the recent Beijing boy trolls…

Not even as valuable as Folger’s Crystals…

Henry Belafonte’s 1954 version: www youtube com/watch?v=Fa5xD0f1RQs

3 years ago

Johnhenry is humorless.
Probably a bot.
Writeup from a former federal prosecutor. Hope he is right:


3 years ago

Thank you, America, although you still disappointed by making this a close election.
Dump Trump.

3 years ago

although you still disappointed by making this a close election.

But some banana republic state governments are making sure they get it right by locking out monitors to watch the count, and covering the windows.

3 years ago

Election fraud is certainly an easier coup than paying foreign operatives to drum up fake evidence used to perform unlawful surveillance on a campaign and presidency.

3 years ago

The inorganic repetition of Biden percentages in Milwaukee precincts–in addition to two precincts reporting over 200%–shows quite clearly what happened there. They were overconfident and didn’t even bother phoning it in…

3 years ago

Gore vs Bush wasn’t settled until December 13. This has just started.

There are 8 weeks to solve this openly and legally before backroom deals get involved.

But before it comes to that, the black rifles will come out.

Who will stop tens of thousands of the Armed Right from marching on government and demanding openness and accountability?

BLM/Antifa? They couldn’t take down a motivated teenager running for help with a skateboard, pistol, and two kiddy-touching hands.

The cops? The same cops afraid to challenge rock-throwing hippies and negroes stealing iPhones and shoes in their no-go zone while making eye contact?

The military? What will they do? Carpetbomb the gridsquare between the state capital and the mayor’s office? Everyone remembers Kent State… and those pinko hippies had it coming. Anybody want to go down in the history books for shooting up average productive Americans for simply demanding transparent elections?

This is going to end ugly… for ugly people.

The Forth Turning is a necessary event to burn out all the stupidity and luxury values so America can get down to business conquering space.

This is high drama!

What a great time to be alive!

Korean Man
Korean Man
3 years ago

LOL… I knew the US was falling off the cliff, but not to this degree of copying elections in Africa.

Will there be a civil war in the US?

What a Banana Republic.

3 years ago

Chickendead must be frothing at the mouth by now. Liz, STFU. Anyone, anyone at all show us ONE verified voter fraud instance. Verified videos, articles etc. Not, I heard it from a friend, saw it on FB or twitter.

Dump Trump

3 years ago

Chickenfuck have you watched the videos what happened at Kent State? They opened fire without cause. I know you’re still bitter because your Osan bar got closed down, but man, come on! As your next pres would say 😉

3 years ago

Tbonety1r_lives, you misunderstand.

I am not at all upset if Biden becomes president. I think the American people should get exactly what they want… even if they think they want it long, hard, and lubeless.

It has been a pleasure to watch Trump resurrect America and guide it away from having its carcass picked apart by the globalists and multinationals, taking the middle class with it.

But if that’s not the direction Americans want to go, it has no effect on me… and likely results in a personal gain.

I have it financially made, I don’t live in America, and I have the groundwork laid out to set up life in several different countries depending on if the disaster flavor of the year is global economic collapse or world war.

My area of the socio-economic triangle lives a better lifestyle when things get crappy for the thick parts near the bottom. The price of a blòwjob from daughters, sisters, wives, and even mothers like yours gets down there around Crackhead in the Alley territory as they underbid each other on their OnlyFans page.

Anyway, what happened at Kent State?

Peaceful Protesters™ at Mostly Peaceful Protests™ burned and looted shops near the university. The next day, the burned down the ROTC building. They blocked traffic. They were asked to disperse but became violent toward police…

…stop me if you have heard this one before.

Then 11 days later, over at Jackson State, an assortment of Gentle Giants™ and Aspiring Funk Musicians™ started throwing rocks at white motorists, overturning cars, and setting fires.

About 400 .38 special shots later, the situation was under control… but nobody goes on about innocent lost lives at Jackson State because… racism… or maybe because they had it coming too.


“but man, come on!”

That’s the “No, Luke, I am your father” of aspiring president quotes.

3 years ago

CH, they never learn. They parrot the lines their white masters craft for them. Then they pretend to be all bent out of shape when people don’t use them as objects of adoration.

Growing up in California, I saw this to m lesser extent in the mid to late ’70s. It bloomed during the Reagan years, fed on that thick and creamy KGB cash.

Now it’s money from Soros, China, Iran, or drug cartels. Doesn’t matter. Same crowd of gormless, feckless, pusillanimous, apprentice schmendicks who got sold a bill of goods by people eager to use them as cannon-fodder.

They’ll do their bit to bite the teat they’ve been sucking and end up in a gulag somewhere.

Some of us won’t survive that long (too difficult to “reeducate”, especially after SERE training). Others, like yourself, will scratch an itch present in every regime and be tolerated or even celebrated by the leaders.

3 years ago

Exit Polls say Asians voted for Trump 31%. WTF? Who trusts polls anymore?

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
3 years ago

This is all entertainment to me. I live in Europe and care much more for EU politics than the US anymore as it can and does affect me directly. My European wife was watching for the first time to see how it works as my co-workers were interested now that a real live American is in their midst and not a tourist. I’ve told them all this isn’t usually how it works, every other election (except Gore/Bush) was pretty much decided by 1or 2 AM Eastern Time with the obligatory hand wringing by the losing party on what went wrong. American politics is a sporting event anymore, “I hate the other team” until the player trades sides “I love this guy” For the record Trump used to give to both parties in the 80s and 90s…

3 years ago

As I am told by my most trusted source, Korean-Americans mostly trend with the Democrats. They seem to have learned when living in Korea to check CNN for US news.

Beijing Boy
Beijing Boy
3 years ago

Biden wins!

Time to get out those automatic rifles and grenades, boys! March to the white house and drag the traitors out! Overthrow Biden and his Chinese cronies!

Go. Go now!

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