Experts Think the Biden Administration Will Be More Flexible on North Korean Sanctions

Here is what the experts think a Biden administration means to U.S. diplomacy in Korea:

Joe Biden’s election as U.S. president could give South Korea more “room” in handling inter-Korean affairs, as he is expected to respect the alliance and listen more to what Seoul has to say on inter-Korean matters, experts said Sunday.

His “principled” diplomacy on North Korea, however, could raise tensions and fail to produce any immediate breakthrough in denuclearization talks, which experts said could make it hard for Seoul to pursue many of its envisioned cooperative and reconciliatory cross-border projects.

Biden has vowed to strengthen the alliance with its allies, including South Korea, in what appears aimed at differentiating himself from President Donald Trump, who has often derided friends and allies and denounced them as free riders.

“Respecting the alliance means turning his ears to the ally’s opinions on issues such as inter-Korean affairs, which has rarely been seen under the Trump administration,” Hong Min, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute for National Unification, said.

“If South Korea says it wants to improve inter-Korean relations, Biden will listen to it. He could also take a more flexible approach in applying sanctions on the North than the Trump administration attempting to keep cross-border relations in check through sanctions,” he added. 


You can read more at the link, but I would not be surprised that if a few months into the Biden administration that the Kim regime will provoke a provocation cycle to see what Biden does. I believe they will probably not do anything decisive and just manage the problem like the Obama administration did.

Trump tried to do something decisive on the issue, but it just didn’t work because he didn’t understand that the Kim regime had no intention of denuclearizing.

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4 years ago

Counting chickens before they hatch is a favorit agitprop technique.

4 years ago

Lying Joe Biden will bring war to Korea…they almost did it with Barry O but Trump came in and cleaned up their mess. Biden is a marxist/globalist the profit off war….witness the ‘arab spring’ that brought nothing but chaos and misery across the mid-east.

Seoul Boy
4 years ago

Why is the US still putting sanctions on North Korea? Let them be, and let the Koreans sign the peace treaty to end the division. Don’t the US want to go home?

4 years ago

Maybe Sleepy Joe can fall in love too. Fatty might like those Irish eyes.

4 years ago

“Lying Joe”? Wow, that’s some serious cognitive dissonance you have going on there, given the incredible number of lies Loser Donnie has spewed over the last four years.

4 years ago

So everyone has declared Biden the big winner!

Why is the left still so bitter and hateful. Shouldn’t you all be celebrating by sucking off an LGBTQ disabled person of color or something?

Maybe they are getting that feeling you get when watching a horror movie and the monster has been killed…

…but there is still 20 minutes left.

4 years ago

On second thought– GI, please delete my last comment.

No one benefits from that. Andwe already have enough hatred and backbiting.

4 years ago

Don’t delete it!

Too much truth there which needs to be preserved for future historians.

No revisionist history!

4 years ago

Thanks GI.

4 years ago

Thank you, CH. I’m stealing that one.
Wish I’d read Setnaffa’s commentary before it was deleted.

4 years ago

BBC’s helpful writeup on how to spot voter fraud:

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