This Sunday before Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the Gospel–which drove the Pilgims (Calvinist Separatists) to seek out a place where they could worship freely.
I am thankful for a nation where we still have freedom to worship (or not) as we choose.
I am thankful for being 3.5 years cancer-free.
I am thankful for my family and friends (presumptively including many here at the ‘Drop).
And I am thankful for right now.
4 years ago
By the way, if you are looking for a job these days–whether unemployed, underemployed, or just looking for something better–don’t stop trying to improve yourself; but likewise remember you are completely whole just as you are. You just need to find the right job with the right employer. Networking is the key. Reach out in an organized way.
This is the advice in “What Color Is Your Parachute?”, “Don’t Send A Resume”, and the dozens of free videos on Youtube and Instagram by Andrew LaCivita.
I don’t want to just say “Be warm and well fed” without offering you something of value. Andy can help with your job search. Your spiritual search should include Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 8:1, and 10:13.
And yes, this message is also aimed at our poor trolls, may the Lord bless them with repentance and wisdom before we celebrate His Son’s arrival.
2ID Doc
4 years ago
Interesting note about the pilgrims, they actually left England and settled in the Netherlands. Because they were worried about their children becoming “too Dutch” they sailed for the colonies…
4 years ago
They paid a heavy price for freedom. Only about 52 of the 103 who sailed on Mayflower made it to the first Thanksgiving. But they thanked God anyway. And kept on surviving and growing.
I’m sure the US Corona cases will double to 500,000 cases per day, after today when all the i-d-i-o-t-s go around spreading their viruses everywhere so that they can have their stupid annual turkey dinners.
4 years ago
Everyone up until now has been avoiding dinners…
God bless you, Setnaffa! <3
I too am very thankful.
I am much much more blessed than I deserve.
So much for China getting isolated, as all of Asia is more interested in carrying out peaceful trade with each other, rather than be interested in taking sides for either US or China.
As this article states, the only left out is the US, not China:
>The fastest way to annoy Asian diplomats would be to claim that the pact is “China-led”—in fact, asean started the talks. Still, the deal serves China’s interests. It had once warily watched its neighbours sign up to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which reined in state-owned firms and included rules on labour and environmental standards. Now rcep could strengthen China-centric supply chains—with none of those constraints.
Talk about shooting your own foot (United States), doing a huge favor for China by forcing the Asian countries to get closer to China. But who cares, Trumpsters are just too stupid to care anyway.
Korean Man – Kowtow is a word you should investigate because that’s what this new RCEP is going to end up being. Most, if not all of the Southeast Asian nations owe their economic existence to China. All you have to do is go to any department store and look for the “Made in China” marks on the bottoms of all the products to know how China’s export-driven economy operates. I live in the Philippines and can provide you with pictures if you wish. There is no fair deal when China is involved. They will always work it so their exports are the only ones cheap enough and plentiful enough to consume. There is no way that South Korea, Japan, or Taiwan can deal with China’s slave labor wages that keep their export prices for good at rock bottom. Australia and New Zealand signed on because their left-leaning officials want to piss off the U.S. and President Trump who will put America First in all his trade deals.
Bad for America, and good for China! US influence now replaced by China in Asia. That’s all that matters to me.
4 years ago
I’m especially thankful that I am not sitting in Shanghai airport right now. 100,000 people penned up after two cargo workers tested positive for covid. Good Lord.
“The big losers from the RCEP are India and the US; the big winners are China, Japan and Korea. The gains in trade and income from the RCEP over the next decade will go a considerable way in compensating China for the losses in trade and incomes from the US-China tariff and technology war” LOL.
US is the one getting isolated, not China. And it’s only matter of time before UK, Canada, Australia also fall in line to China, after getting sick of Americans bashing them. LOL.
4 years ago
The RCEP is a very nice thing.
It offers a great opportunity for countries like Japan and Korea to move their factories out of China and into SE Asia where the state sponsored theft of technology and intellectual property is not so organized.
Other than that, it really doesn’t do much other than hook up the multinationals with more profits as they screw the middle class in developed countries by exploiting the poor in developing countries.
And, of course, Australia will find the best way to be China’s bìtch in all this.
Liz – I’d be thankful for that too because the CCP doesn’t care. They’ll keep all of them locked up there until they’ve all been tested even if they’ve been nowhere near the infected people. That’s the way socialism works. Good or bad (mostly bad) everyone get shit on equally by the government.
Soy Boys (Beijing and Shanghai) – Let’s not forget that the CCP still owes reparations to the world for allowing (unleashing) the #WuhanVirus (biological warfare weapon) onto the population. All that presumed profit you’re anticipating will be swallowed up by the payments of compensation. There is no dispute over where the virus originated and how it escaped China. They’re also responsible for starting the unprecedented lock down regime that has crippled the world economy. This response (locking down) is unique in the history of dealing with pandemics because it runs on the socialist model of treating everyone the same, whether they have the virus or not, instead of isolating those who are sick or symptomatic. Far fewer deaths would have been recorded had this simple protocol been followed. Had the number of cases not dropped in Wuhan, the CCP would have kept them locked down until all of the people were dead.
Dirty infected Americans accusing others of spreading the virus when they are totally out of control spreading the virus. These numbers tell me Americans are dirty disease ridden.
4 years ago
China Boy got us there.
Americans ARE dirty disease ridden.
…mostly diabetes from eating lard-fried Twinkies soaked in high fructose corn syrup.
…much more “nutritious” than the Chinese diet of fake baby formula, bat head soup, and long pork.
The other disease America suffers from is Trump Derangement Syndrome… a symptom of which is self-destruction as long as it makes Trump look bad.
So I wouldn’t put too much faith in America’s fake high numbers.
…or China’s fake low numbers, for that matter.
4 years ago
Congrats on your retirement, Ole Tanker! 🙂
4 years ago
I don’t doubt it, tagumcitytim.
Even if they came in contact with cargo workers (unlikely) and caught it….how long does it take for Covid in incubate long enough to spike a positive test? Think the official answer is up to two weeks? Madness.
4 years ago
Hey Ole Tanker! Congratulations!! Now we just need the fake pandemic to end so I can offer you a “seasonally-appropriate” beverage.
Thanks everyone. Teleworking for 8 months has spoiled me. A krazy Boss pushing for me to come back to work, and I have serious underlying health conditions. I had an epiphany in Oct. “Why am I still working?”
4 years ago
For a fun trip down Memory Lane, let’s look at the discussion and predictions in an open thread right before the 2016 election.
When Ted Cruz is elected president in 2024 after eight years of Trump, we can look back at this with a smile.
4 years ago
CH, you certainly called it.
To quote GI from that link, “When people hear the word “rigged” they think a massive conspiracy to taint the voting machines for example to get one candidate elected.”
And MTB predicted the vote flipping.
We’ll see what the courts do with the blatant/flagrant tampering evident across as many as 30 states.
Evidence is weighted differently by different people. And I longer believe in Santa Claus.
This may come down to blackmail and death threats against judges and state legislators and whether they are effectively cowed by that pressure.
@Chickenhead, you definitely did call it. Back in 2016 I did not think voter fraud could influence a national election. In 2020 with all the mail in ballots created conditions to effect a national election. Especially when they started changing the signature laws. I still have not heard one good reason why the signature laws were changed in some of these states.
The New Republic article that MTB linked to was especially interesting about the problem with voting machines and this is coming from a left wing magazine:
Perhaps most troubling is the fact that voters in 14 states—including battleground areas in Pennsylvania and Virginia—will cast their ballots this year on electronic machines that do not provide paper copies of the votes. That means there will be no way to audit the results should something go wrong. “It will be technically impossible,” says Gregory Miller, a cybersecurity expert who focuses on election technology. “We can’t do anything but rerun the tally the machines provide. This is not a hypothetical, Y2K problem—it’s a real problem that already exists.”
I bet The New Republic loves voting machines now.
4 years ago
Election 2020:
The Supreme Court is going to make rulings that give Trump the presidency.
Democratic cities will burn.
4 years ago
On a more light-hearted note than election-tampering, the photo of the market above reminded me of why I fell in love with Korea long before I met my wife. Well, 3.5 years before, anyway.
After getting separated from my traveling companions somewhere in the Dondaemun area, I wandered around feeling like I’d fallen into a place written by either Kipling or Tolkien…
I got better; but I still remember the absolute wonder and joy of wandering around seeing something not defined by advertisers or mass-market packaging…
4 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
4 years ago
Echoing that thought, J6! We all have things to be thankful for!
This Sunday before Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the Gospel–which drove the Pilgims (Calvinist Separatists) to seek out a place where they could worship freely.
I am thankful for a nation where we still have freedom to worship (or not) as we choose.
I am thankful for being 3.5 years cancer-free.
I am thankful for my family and friends (presumptively including many here at the ‘Drop).
And I am thankful for right now.
By the way, if you are looking for a job these days–whether unemployed, underemployed, or just looking for something better–don’t stop trying to improve yourself; but likewise remember you are completely whole just as you are. You just need to find the right job with the right employer. Networking is the key. Reach out in an organized way.
This is the advice in “What Color Is Your Parachute?”, “Don’t Send A Resume”, and the dozens of free videos on Youtube and Instagram by Andrew LaCivita.
I don’t want to just say “Be warm and well fed” without offering you something of value. Andy can help with your job search. Your spiritual search should include Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 8:1, and 10:13.
And yes, this message is also aimed at our poor trolls, may the Lord bless them with repentance and wisdom before we celebrate His Son’s arrival.
Interesting note about the pilgrims, they actually left England and settled in the Netherlands. Because they were worried about their children becoming “too Dutch” they sailed for the colonies…
They paid a heavy price for freedom. Only about 52 of the 103 who sailed on Mayflower made it to the first Thanksgiving. But they thanked God anyway. And kept on surviving and growing.
I’m sure the US Corona cases will double to 500,000 cases per day, after today when all the i-d-i-o-t-s go around spreading their viruses everywhere so that they can have their stupid annual turkey dinners.
Everyone up until now has been avoiding dinners…
God bless you, Setnaffa! <3
I too am very thankful.
I am much much more blessed than I deserve.
ASEAN, China, South Korea, Japan, Australia, NZ, all sign the RCEP, the replacement for TPP which America torpedoed.
So much for China getting isolated, as all of Asia is more interested in carrying out peaceful trade with each other, rather than be interested in taking sides for either US or China.
As this article states, the only left out is the US, not China:
>The fastest way to annoy Asian diplomats would be to claim that the pact is “China-led”—in fact, asean started the talks. Still, the deal serves China’s interests. It had once warily watched its neighbours sign up to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which reined in state-owned firms and included rules on labour and environmental standards. Now rcep could strengthen China-centric supply chains—with none of those constraints.
Talk about shooting your own foot (United States), doing a huge favor for China by forcing the Asian countries to get closer to China. But who cares, Trumpsters are just too stupid to care anyway.
Korean Man – Kowtow is a word you should investigate because that’s what this new RCEP is going to end up being. Most, if not all of the Southeast Asian nations owe their economic existence to China. All you have to do is go to any department store and look for the “Made in China” marks on the bottoms of all the products to know how China’s export-driven economy operates. I live in the Philippines and can provide you with pictures if you wish. There is no fair deal when China is involved. They will always work it so their exports are the only ones cheap enough and plentiful enough to consume. There is no way that South Korea, Japan, or Taiwan can deal with China’s slave labor wages that keep their export prices for good at rock bottom. Australia and New Zealand signed on because their left-leaning officials want to piss off the U.S. and President Trump who will put America First in all his trade deals.
Soy Boy – I think I speak on behalf of all ROK heads here when I say… JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Now, counterattack with some lame Soy Boy response.
Bad for America, and good for China! US influence now replaced by China in Asia. That’s all that matters to me.
I’m especially thankful that I am not sitting in Shanghai airport right now. 100,000 people penned up after two cargo workers tested positive for covid. Good Lord.
“The big losers from the RCEP are India and the US; the big winners are China, Japan and Korea. The gains in trade and income from the RCEP over the next decade will go a considerable way in compensating China for the losses in trade and incomes from the US-China tariff and technology war” LOL.
US is the one getting isolated, not China. And it’s only matter of time before UK, Canada, Australia also fall in line to China, after getting sick of Americans bashing them. LOL.
The RCEP is a very nice thing.
It offers a great opportunity for countries like Japan and Korea to move their factories out of China and into SE Asia where the state sponsored theft of technology and intellectual property is not so organized.
Other than that, it really doesn’t do much other than hook up the multinationals with more profits as they screw the middle class in developed countries by exploiting the poor in developing countries.
And, of course, Australia will find the best way to be China’s bìtch in all this.
Liz – I’d be thankful for that too because the CCP doesn’t care. They’ll keep all of them locked up there until they’ve all been tested even if they’ve been nowhere near the infected people. That’s the way socialism works. Good or bad (mostly bad) everyone get shit on equally by the government.
I’ve decided to retire at the end of December. Age 62. Fort Benning, no place for an Ole Tanker. No more hate games for me.
Soy Boys (Beijing and Shanghai) – Let’s not forget that the CCP still owes reparations to the world for allowing (unleashing) the #WuhanVirus (biological warfare weapon) onto the population. All that presumed profit you’re anticipating will be swallowed up by the payments of compensation. There is no dispute over where the virus originated and how it escaped China. They’re also responsible for starting the unprecedented lock down regime that has crippled the world economy. This response (locking down) is unique in the history of dealing with pandemics because it runs on the socialist model of treating everyone the same, whether they have the virus or not, instead of isolating those who are sick or symptomatic. Far fewer deaths would have been recorded had this simple protocol been followed. Had the number of cases not dropped in Wuhan, the CCP would have kept them locked down until all of the people were dead.
CH – Great analysis, as usual!
US Virus infections – over 12.58 million people, with over 262,000 dead. China? only 86,000 infected total, 4600 dead.
Dirty infected Americans accusing others of spreading the virus when they are totally out of control spreading the virus. These numbers tell me Americans are dirty disease ridden.
China Boy got us there.
Americans ARE dirty disease ridden.
…mostly diabetes from eating lard-fried Twinkies soaked in high fructose corn syrup.
…much more “nutritious” than the Chinese diet of fake baby formula, bat head soup, and long pork.
The other disease America suffers from is Trump Derangement Syndrome… a symptom of which is self-destruction as long as it makes Trump look bad.
So I wouldn’t put too much faith in America’s fake high numbers.
…or China’s fake low numbers, for that matter.
Congrats on your retirement, Ole Tanker! 🙂
I don’t doubt it, tagumcitytim.
Even if they came in contact with cargo workers (unlikely) and caught it….how long does it take for Covid in incubate long enough to spike a positive test? Think the official answer is up to two weeks? Madness.
Hey Ole Tanker! Congratulations!! Now we just need the fake pandemic to end so I can offer you a “seasonally-appropriate” beverage.
Thanks everyone. Teleworking for 8 months has spoiled me. A krazy Boss pushing for me to come back to work, and I have serious underlying health conditions. I had an epiphany in Oct. “Why am I still working?”
For a fun trip down Memory Lane, let’s look at the discussion and predictions in an open thread right before the 2016 election.
When Ted Cruz is elected president in 2024 after eight years of Trump, we can look back at this with a smile.
CH, you certainly called it.
To quote GI from that link, “When people hear the word “rigged” they think a massive conspiracy to taint the voting machines for example to get one candidate elected.”
And MTB predicted the vote flipping.
We’ll see what the courts do with the blatant/flagrant tampering evident across as many as 30 states.
Evidence is weighted differently by different people. And I longer believe in Santa Claus.
This may come down to blackmail and death threats against judges and state legislators and whether they are effectively cowed by that pressure.
@Chickenhead, you definitely did call it. Back in 2016 I did not think voter fraud could influence a national election. In 2020 with all the mail in ballots created conditions to effect a national election. Especially when they started changing the signature laws. I still have not heard one good reason why the signature laws were changed in some of these states.
The New Republic article that MTB linked to was especially interesting about the problem with voting machines and this is coming from a left wing magazine:
I bet The New Republic loves voting machines now.
Election 2020:
The Supreme Court is going to make rulings that give Trump the presidency.
Democratic cities will burn.
On a more light-hearted note than election-tampering, the photo of the market above reminded me of why I fell in love with Korea long before I met my wife. Well, 3.5 years before, anyway.
After getting separated from my traveling companions somewhere in the Dondaemun area, I wandered around feeling like I’d fallen into a place written by either Kipling or Tolkien…
I got better; but I still remember the absolute wonder and joy of wandering around seeing something not defined by advertisers or mass-market packaging…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Echoing that thought, J6! We all have things to be thankful for!