USFK Criticized for Maskless Dance Party on Camp Humphreys

Not a good look:

This file photo shows a gate of the U.S. base Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul. (Yonhap)

The U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) is facing criticism over a dance party held at one of its bases last week at which participants did not wear face masks amid South Korea’s heightened social distancing scheme to stem the resurgence of new coronavirus cases.

The party took place at Flightline Tap Room at Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul, on Friday, with dozens of people dancing side by side without wearing masks, according to officials.

On the same day, South Korea’s daily number of new COVID-19 cases reached a near nine-month high of 629, with authorities urging citizens to cancel non-vital face-to-face gatherings.

The Seoul government has requested the U.S. military to follow antivirus measures. The U.S. military said Monday that the bar was “closed effective immediately, per command directive.” 

“The facility has been closed, and we are looking into the matter,” a USFK official said.


You can read more at the link, but I think these may the pictures causing the criticism that I pulled from the Flightline Tap Room’s Facebook page for a salsa party:

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4 years ago

Strange things, the dance party produced no covid cases….very strange. Such a deadly disease you have be tested to know you have it…we are being played..

4 years ago

I would love to see the scientific evidence that shows how asymptomatic young people in bars and restaurants spread COVID-19.

Failing that, I reject the lockdowns and mask fetish as FUD and commie agitprop.

Note that–officially–“no one” ever caught the Chinese Lung AIDS from taking part in BLM, Antifa, or LGBT activities.

I still wear a mask as required by law. Not because I believe it’s more healthy but because of prohibitions against entering church or stores without one.

Have you noticed that no one has died of influenza, heart disease, end-stage renal failure, cancer, or dementia since ther Wuhan Bat Pox arrived?

It’s all bovine scatology. There are people who want us all cowering in fear and unable to work or feed ourselves without government assistance.

“That dog won’t hunt.”

4 years ago

BTW, here’s an article which goes into more detail about restaurants not being sources of COVID-19 infections: amgreatness com/2020/12/07/no-science-justifies-bans-on-indoor-or-outdoor-dining/

In fact, the current body of evidence indicates that bars and restaurants are among the least likely culprits in the spread of COVID-19. A study that used contact tracing in Switzerland after that countryā€™s lockdown was lifted found less than two percent of infections could be attributed to bars and restaurants. (Again, households were found to be the top vector for spread.)

Go ahead. Close down restaurants, you science-deniers!

4 years ago

It’s all about Command Climate like at Ft Hood. The posters on this site are a great example of it.

4 years ago

Ole Tanker, if the virus were as deadly and terrible as has been portrayed…
No one would or could claim it is a “hoax”.
We’ve been living it for almost a year.
Just sayin’.
As a healthcare provider I do acknowledge at the beginning of this thing healthcare providers understood that if everything was done correctly, the population at large would claim it was an over-reaction.
Yet still.

4 years ago

Korea has an ultra-dense population, widespread public transportation use, multiple generations living together in small apartments, a teeming nightlife, a culture of eating together and sharing food…

…and, in 2020, three times more pedestrians have died than have died from Chinkpox-19.

…while twenty times more Koreans have died from extreme obesity.

This is all a scam.

4 years ago

Democrats: “But muh narrative!”

And then John Hopkins quickly moves to cover up a paper that showed COVID-19 produced NO increase in deaths compared to previous years…

4 years ago

The name of the place is actually Johns Hopkins.

4 years ago

A Chinese grammar nazi. How quaint.

4 years ago

Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. Once upon a time mask wearing was a virtue.

4 years ago

Their only mistake was putting it on Facebook.

4 years ago

I’m still a proud American, setnaffa.

4 years ago

Johns Hopkins withdrew the paper because it was popular with “the wrong people”, not because it was actually wrong. They were aghast that the proven fact COVID-19 makes no real difference in the annual death numbers could be seen as evidence that masks and lockdowns were ineffective means of curtailing the disease or deaths.

I read the paper. I understand that type of study. And I understand the science here. COVID-19 is, plus or minus, as serious as the seasonal influenza; but so far has shown that it targets unhealthy people–who were dying from other things too. It does not target youunger, healthier people–who other studies have shown have an over 80% chance of recovery before symptoms appear.

Don’t take that as callousness. We need to be realistic and target our limited resources at saving those most at risk, not destroying national and even regional economies and harming others with masks that do not block viruses but do cause other health issues.

You may choose not to believe me. Just ask yourself how many time the CDC and NIH have backtracked on masks and lockdowns. And look at the actual data. When the NYT included at least 4 people who died of gunshot wounds as being “victims” of COVID-19, I saw the light come on. And that was before Easter.

Wash your hands. Don’t share body fluids with strangers. Go to the doctor for specific advice. And stop being afraid.

4 years ago

Studies are like @ZZ holes everyone, every side of an issue have one. I seen some stupid ones in my time, especially about mask wearing. Common sense people, I beg common sense SHEOPLE!

4 years ago

Tanker, you bring up a good point.

If the Wuhan Bat Soup Pox was really as serious as CNN pretends, why aren’t all the homeless dead? And if masks really work, why are so many seniors in NY and NJ dead in their nursing homes and dangerous felons being released from prisons? And why are the places with the most cases the places with the most stringent lockdowns (hint: timing is important; lockdowns hit first, then increased “cases”).

Common sense tells us our Moms were right. Wash your hands, don’t lick your fingers, and wear clean underwear and socks.

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