Random Testing Finds Nearly 300 People Infected with the Coronavirus in the Seoul Area
|To me this number is more concerning than the daily case rate being over a 1,000 for five days:

The government’s ongoing random testing, launched in the greater Seoul area at the beginning of this week, has identified nearly 300 cases of COVID-19 so far, a government agency on the coronavirus pandemic said Saturday.
According to the Central Disease Control Headquarters, an additional 116 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 at the capital area random testing centers Friday, raising the five-day total to 286.
You can read more at the link, but this random testing shows that the coronavirus has likely spread to far more people than what is currently believed.
Not disturbing, just shows how much of a nothing burger the china virus is. Also means recovery rate is even that much higher…had it, didnt get sick, got better. OR just proves the tests are worthless….yours to decide.
What? Random testing of 40,000 tests in total throughout the country, finds 300 per day, versus 250,000 per day in the United States. I mean come on, GIKorea.
Sorry, I meant 300 infected per day in Seoul Metropolitan area which has 20 million people.
Flying Sword is correct, especially about the efficacy of the tests. The PCR tests that almost everyone is using because they give “quick” results are being uncovered to provide more false positives than negatives. If you want to know if you have the #WuhanVirus, get a regular old-fashioned blood test. Make a phlebotomist do their job instead of relying on a chemical reaction test that’s been proven to be untrustworthy.
Oh, but for the sheep out there, keep following the “science” so we can stretch this virus until the next election just like the Russian collusion hoax.
On January 6, Americans will save the Republic for themselves or show that neither the country nor the population are worth saving.
A side effect of this will be the Chinkpox-19 will fade away… or become worse.
Also, get your shortwave radio ready. They internet will probably go down “due to cyber attack” right around that time.
I’d rather see a random test for Genital Herpes. wearing condoms works!
CH, I’m willing to trust God and praise Him for whatever turns up–even if I don’t like it. I do pray America repents; but 65 Million dead from legal abortions is rather appalling…