USS Ronald Reagan Reportedly has a COVID Outbreak

This is something that the Stars & Stripes in my opinion should not be publishing considering it involves the readiness of a U.S. aircraft carrier. Additionally people should not be leaking these emails to the Stars & Stripes to begin with:

Coronavirus forced some of its crew to quarantine aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, shown here in July 2019, at its homeport, Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan, for the December 2020 holidays.

Hundreds of sailors from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan are quarantined after having close contact with others who tested positive for the coronavirus, according to emails between the ship’s leaders.

About 350 Reagan sailors “are in some form of” quarantine at Yokosuka, the carrier’s homeport, according to executive officer Capt. Matthew Ventimiglia, who started an email chain Sunday between the ship’s senior leaders. Some are in isolation because they recently arrived in Japan, according to Ventimiglia’s email.

Stars and Stripes on Tuesday obtained the email chain, which includes messages from Reagan commander Capt. Fred Goldhammer and senior medical officer Capt. George Rice to department heads and leading chief petty officers.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link.

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2ID Doc
2ID Doc
4 years ago

It’s like it was in Korea, the bar owners would start hustling soldiers out of the bars or knocking on the doors of the girls who worked the bars and telling the soldiers to get dressed and leave as there was a “surprise” alert coming. About the time the guys reached the front gate the alert siren would crank up. My point? The Japanese and by extension the Chinese & Norks that watch the port knew long before Stars & Stripes that a portion of the crew was under quarantine. True it’s not a great idea to broadcast this to the world, but our enemies already knew.

4 years ago

December 7, 1941 in Hawaii began like most prewar Sundays. A bit lazy, a bit sleepy, a bit off-guard… After all, those “little yellow men” would never dare to strike out against America. And even if they did, we’d catch them in the act and teach ’em a lesson. Their “inferior” aircraft and myopic pilots could never hurt America…

I note that we are typically attacked along unprotected strengths rather than known weaknesses. Big example: 9/11 = airlines (which had recently deprecated their security in the name of political correctness after lawsuits brought by friends of ObL),

Now we have one or more Chinese plagues running around that entered the US — again due to deprecated airport security. Instead of minimum wage drones forcing people to march across dirty floors in stocking or barefoot, why was no one checking temperatures? That has proven to be a bigger threat than any keychain-mounted Swiss Army Knife.

What percent of those “sick” with the Sino Lung Mange are really sick vs just malingering?

4 years ago

Sure all the sailors put in the facebook, whats app, tik tok etc long before the stars and stripes story.

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