Tweet of the Day: Are Aircraft Carrier Obsolete?

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4 years ago

Just ask Iraq, Libya, or Kosovo if they think aircraft carriers are obsolete. As for them being “huge targets” for missiles, people who say this have no idea of the firepower that the ships in a carrier task group carry. The modern frigates and destroyers of the U.S. Navy, not to mention the undersea protection, is more than enough to take on and defeat any hostile actions.

4 years ago

Like the battleship, I think the day will come when the huge supercarrier may become obsolete and irrelevant, but IMO that day hasn’t come yet.

4 years ago

The B-52s still flying are all over 57 years old. Are they obsolete? Well, if they had not been upgraded regularly they would be.

I believe the big carriers have similarly been upgraded from those that sailed under Halsey and Spruance. And imagine how many long-range UAVs could be loaded on a CVN. Imagine newer missiles, lasers, and railguns replacing the current anti-aircraft and ooint-defense systems.

Imagine the CVN supported by a fleet of essentially freighters (or large-capacity aircraft like B-52s, C-17s, and so on) acting as warehouses for UAVs which could be refueled and rearmed on the carrier, creating a veritable cloud of offensive and defensive air-power.

We all need to stop thinking in terms of static capabilities. That’s how harbors get pearled.

4 years ago

The propaganda machine has already started work for the new regime. Aircraft Carriers are obsolete and expensive, just like Tanks. Lots of money being wasted, and they have a huge carbon footprint.

4 years ago

Iraq, Libya, or Kosovo….not exactly military power houses. I guess you can obsolete for what? Carriers are good for projecting power against 3rd world countries in illegal wars; but against CCP they may not fare very well. US does need to come up with a new plan and not rely on carriers, as the US is too reliant on its carrier projection force.

Reply to  Flyingsword
4 years ago

The new Gerald R. Ford-class CVNs will be fitted out to carry the newest F-35 as well as being able to launch a variety of drones. Navy for Navy, the PLAN does not stand a chance. They are primarily a blue water navy that cannot operate far from their bases. There’s something to be said for the old phrase, “Those who fight and runaway, live to fight another day.” The PLAN also lacks the numbers in almost every category and with the new class of littoral combat ships and Virginia-class attack subs, the USN can take the fight directly to the PLAN before they even leave port.

4 years ago

GI, the only reason to worry about a fight with China is if we elect a Democrat to the White House. Or if the Democrats successfully cheat in 4 key cities.



4 years ago

– Unlike the Army, the Navy and Air Force do not have to get in close to attack. Parking any CVNs anywhere near the SCS would be foolish. Given the PLAN missile coverage in that area. As we did in Iraq, the Navy will launch Tomahawk missiles from subs and surface ships to neutralize the SCS then set at dismantling the rest of the PLAN. The closest any Navy ships will have to get to do that is the East Philippine Sea (far out of range of anything in the SCS, missile-wise). The USN has enough SSNs in the inventory to take out most of the trouble in the SCS.

Targets in the NSF and ESF would also be prime for a naval attack. There are plenty of variables to a scenario where the USA goes to war with the PRC. My thinking is that the PLA, PLAAF, and the PLAN are going to be weapons of last resort if their biological weapons (i.e. the #WuhanVirus), cyber attacks, and spies are ineffective.

To sum up, CVNs are only one part of the offensive capabilities of the USN. Whether they become obsolete in the future, only time will tell. However, for now, they remain a potent force in the arsenal of the USA.

4 years ago

GI, it’s more likely the initial strikes would be against the illegal artificial islands, led by Japanese, Philippine, and Australian forces. With us not being involved except as backup.

4 years ago

Relying on old tech…bad idea

4 years ago

GI, the Japanese can act in self-defense. And as I understand it, some of the Chrysanthemum Crowd are lawyers that can out-twist any pretzel.

Reply to  GIKorea
4 years ago

– I never said anything about launching ICBMs from CONUS. I was talking about ship and sub-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles (also known as TLAMs or Tomahawk Land Attack missiles). Some of our SSNs are equipped with vertical launch tubes for Tomahawks the way that SSBNs launch Trident missiles while most other SSNs also have a torpedo tube-fired Tomahawk capability.

Speaking of ships that seem obsolete, this type of situation would be a perfect time to pull the Iowa-class battleships out of mothballs to blow those little reefs to shreds. No other Navy in the world today has battleships lying in wait of the next time they are needed for their awesome fire power.

Reply to  GIKorea
4 years ago

Before I go, has raised doubts that the American people would support a war against the Chinese and whether American leaders would be up for the challenge. To answer that partially, I have to say that as more and more information comes out about the #WuhanVirus and how the Chinese intentionally released this bioweapon onto the world, the more people who will be gunning for the Chinese. The overall strategy for a war with the Chinese is to make sure that minimal ground forces are involved other than SOF, Sappers, and other small guerrilla groups. If the Army didn’t learn its lesson in Korea about engaging the Chinese in a conventional ground war, then those leaders should go back and study history.

Their overwhelm and destroy strategies work very well so long as they have cannon fodder (ideological fanatics) to throw at an enemy ground force. The Chinese ground forces have always operated on what I call a doubling strategy. If an enemy takes out a platoon of PLA soldiers then the command sends in a company to replace them, then a brigade, then a division, then a regiment, and on and on until the enemy is completely battered or completely annihilated.

4 years ago

GI and Tim, the US has known about the lame bioweapon and foolishly allowed ourselves to be cowed into submission.

There won’t be a war with China. The Harris/Bidet Administration will start sending manufacturing back to China, and we’ll probably subsidize the Canuckistani Pipeline as well.

Reply to  GIKorea
4 years ago

– I know you like to stay middle of the road for a lot of your discussions but mark my words, if Trump is not declared the winner of the 2020 elections, Biden/Harris will lead us into WWIII.

4 years ago

GI, what makes you think Winnie is gonna be our enemy in WW3?

Reply to  GIKorea
4 years ago

– Didn’t the other two World Wars begin as regional squabbles that threatened the safety and stability of the countries around them and therefore those countries had no choice but to defend their territory or join the fight on the side they thought was right?

I guess I didn’t explain myself and got off topic a little from where the thread was going. What I meant was that Biden is going to take a make or break stance against NK. He’s a war hawk and always has been and if KJU has decided his country needs nukes for self-preservation, then there’s nothing Biden will be able to do but to go to war to rid the country of the Kim dynasty. China won’t like this and will once again defend it’s Communist ally.

But what do I know. I’m just a guy in my bedroom on a laptop.

P.S. My handle is TagumCityTim not Time. Your fingers keep typing out time.

4 years ago

Tagum City looks like it might be a good place to spend some time… Maybe that’s what happened…

4 years ago

All Biden and his globalist cabal know is starting endless wars.

Reply to  GIKorea
4 years ago

– Wars distract people from domestic issues and right now that’s exactly what Biden needs. I’m not discounting your scenario. It’s quite possible and likely the way things could end up going. However, Biden has 48-50% of the country pissed off right now thinking that he’s stolen the Presidency. He needs something to distract those people.

Getting back to the topic at hand, Biden is going to need all of his obsolete aircraft carriers if he hopes to have a chance in winning a war in northeast Asia.

Reply to  GIKorea
4 years ago

– To what are you referring?

4 years ago

Tim, I looked up Tagum City and it looked like a nice place. Warmer than my tastes; but the touristy and cultural bits I saw in my 5-minute googling looked like nearly as nice a spot as Saipan. Maybe nicer…

Reply to  setnaffa
4 years ago

– Yes, it is a nice place. Has all the conveniences and is not such a big city but it is growing. Also, the beach is only about an hour’s drive away. You become acclimatized after a while. When I first got here, I wasn’t able to wear even a t-shirt and be comfortable but now it’s okay.

4 years ago

Sounds great!!

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
4 years ago

@GI during the honeymoon period you are right the public will be mollified by money and the extremists creating mayhem in DC, however my guess is there will be enough pressure on a slightly confused old man by his VP, the extremists in the House & the 50/50 tie in the Senate that he will in trying to satisfy everyone, try to implement everything at once and make everyone angry. in 2 years VP Harris will slip her plan she has been crafting into play, ease Biden out of the big chair and put herself into it. Had Trump been reelected, simply swap the names and change the issue…what will happen in the SCS is truly anyone’s guess, although I do believe the rhetoric between DC & Beijing will slow as Biden likely doesn’t have a good handle on the situation in Asia. Call this a cheap shot if you will but his forte is Russia and CIS right now.

4 years ago

Biden won’t be president in 6 month, he will die (be killed quietly) or removed for mental difficulties….either way you will have Pres. Harris.

4 years ago

– Distraction, deception, and downright lies are what we are in for in the upcoming 4 years. As you mentioned, the staged Capitol breech will probably distract some of the sheeples, as well as the increase in their piggy banks, but that won’t appease the masses for long. As you posted elsewhere, NK is ramping up its rhetoric ahead of Biden’s installation, which doesn’t bode well for the future of NE Asia.

There is also the probability that sometime in the coming weeks, the walls will come crashing down upon the legitimacy of Biden’s so-called “win” in the election. A whistleblower has come forth in Italy who confessed to triggering the switching of votes from Trump to Biden and the remote manipulation (through those servers in Germany) of the Dominion vote counting machines and software. This Biden “win” was a fairytale written in the ones and zeros of cyberspace.

4 years ago

@2ID_Doc – Biden/Harris have already laid out the plan for replacing Sleepy Joe so that’s a done deal, timing is the only variable. There is one last scenario that I posted in my last reply to @GI that could bring this whole mess to a halt. However, it depends on Republicans in Congress and elsewhere standing up to the cabal and it would seem that Pelosi and her ilk are in panic mode pushing impeachment and the 25th Amendment option so close to Trump leaving office. It is clear what they are up to. They don’t want any chance of Trump running in 2024. This month is going to be interesting.

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