South Korea Breaks the 1,000 Daily New Coronavirus Cases for the First Time
|The community spread of the coronavirus continues to worsen in South Korea like much of the rest of the northern hemisphere that is entering winter:

South Korea’s single-day coronavirus cases broke the 1,000-mark for the first time on Sunday, prompting President Moon Jae-in to warn that the country will have to consider enforcing the toughest level of social distancing unless the current spread is curbed.
The country added 1,030 more COVID-19 cases, including 1,002 local infections, raising the total caseload to 42,766, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA).
Sunday’s daily caseload jumped from the previous day’s record high of 950, marking the highest since the country reported its first COVID-19 case in January.
You can read more at the link.
Has good take… the more you know.
But, but didn’t commie moon pie tell COVID to go away and Korea was the model for the world?
Great job by you Commie Moon.
Needlessly as an effective preventative treatment already exists…of course GI will weigh in with a credible globalist back fact check…
Or, like the chump trump you know, the ex-pres 😉 ) said, you could just use bleach. Equally believable 😉
Colorado has closed all restaurants (except for outdoor dining. It’s far below freezing so good luck with that).
I went to the ski slopes at Breckinridge (one needs an appointment ahead of time now).
They have helpfully provided outdoor porto-potties. Access to indoor plumbing would be unsanitary, apparently.
Perhaps soon we’ll all be wearing diapers like the Chinese flight attendants.
Not only will this boost the adult diaper industry but there are other tangentially related companies that will benefit. I should invest in anti-fungal futures. And start hoarding vagisil creams.
Liz, I think even Democrats will get tired of serfdom; but it’ll take longer than I have left.
I am one of the blessed folks who can work from home. But the leaders instituting these changes should look at what typically happens to dictators when the money runs out.
80 million people love lockdowns!
That’s why they just can’t get enough Biden!
Even the State of Georgia no longer recognizes “one man, one vote.” And they’re not prosecuting those who took more than one shot…
It’s terrible.
On the bright side, I’ll have six college aged visitors today (ROTC cadets).
They’ll be crashing at our house.
They came to CO thinking they’d camp out.
Guess when they planned that trip they didn’t know about the lockdowns making it impossible to go anywhere to warm up.
Maybe Amazon, Facebook, and Google will buy Evergreen and Golden when this is over.
Liz, I am convinced that business owners in Colorado–even the mentally-challenged folks in Aurora and Boulder–will ha e enough of lockdowns before the Easter Bunny arrives…
Not willing to bet on it yet; but when their lawn care folks don’t migrate back after the snow melts because even the roach coaches are banned, you’ll see some happen.
Hope you’re right, Setnaffa.