Supreme Court Upholds Prison Sentence for Former President Park Geun-hye

Its official President Park will not get out of prison until 2039, though I doubt she will stay imprisoned that long. I bet she will receive a pardon well before then:

Former President Park Geun-hye’s supporters protest outside the Supreme Court in Seoul on Jan. 14, 2021, calling for Park’s release. (Yonhap)

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a 20-year sentence for former President Park Geun-hye in a high-profile corruption case, closing the yearslong saga that gripped the country and ultimately removed her from office in 2017.

In the sentencing hearing over an appeal filed by prosecutors against a ruling in July that reduced Park’s prison term, the country’s highest court maintained the ruling, including a fine of 18 billion won (US$15 million) and the decision to clear Park of extortion and part of abuse of power charges.

Park will have to serve 22 years in prison, which includes a two-year prison term for her 2018 conviction for illegal meddling in a nomination process of the then-ruling Saenuri Party. Given the time that she already served, she will get released in 2039.


You can read more at the link.

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4 years ago

They really hate her… Seems like the left can’t do the celebration of diversity they demanded of everyone else…

Really pathetic.

4 years ago

commie moon’s kangaroo court at work.

4 years ago

In other news, the TV News rating war has crept down to tepid; and here’s a headline that describes the biggest change:

“Fox News’ Latest Ratings Are Like If Garbage and Human Filth Had a Baby and That Baby Was Abandoned In the Woods and Then Was Raised by AIDS””

4 years ago

Communist party wants her to die in jail. The pardon is just a red herring to get votes in the next presidential election.

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