Catholic ordination This photo, provided by the Archdiocese of Seoul, shows new priests prostrating during an ordination ceremony at Myeongdong Cathedral in Seoul on Feb. 5, 2021. (Yonhap)
Per Wkipedia, it’s a little different process, involving an extra “r”:
The Rite of Ordination occurs within the context of Holy Mass. After being called forward and presented to the assembly, the candidates are interrogated. Each promises to diligently perform the duties of the Priesthood and to respect and obey his ordinary (bishop or religious superior). Then the candidates lie prostrate before the altar, while the assembled faithful kneel and pray for the help of all the saints in the singing of the Litany of the Saints. The essential part of the rite is when the bishop silently lays his hands upon each candidate (followed by all priests present), before offering the consecratory prayer, addressed to God the Father, invoking the power of the Holy Spirit upon those being ordained. After the consecratory prayer, the newly ordained is vested with the stole and chasuble of those belonging to the Ministerial Priesthood and then the bishop anoints his hands with chrism before presenting him with the chalice and paten which he will use when presiding at the Eucharist.
3 years ago
Ah… a prostrate exam.
Looks like they are all passing.
3 years ago
I was never Roman/Latin Catholic, but my ex-Mother-in-law was. And she told me, as I was sating her daughter, that I’d make a good priest… I should have listened. Not the priest part though. I just should never have married my ex. Would have saved us both a lot of pain.
When one marries, it’s the little things that cause the biggest trouble.
As for these would-be priests, I wish them all the blessings of God. We’re approaching a time when many may be called on to abandon their faith or become a martyr. Especially if South Korea becomes like North Korea or China as regards Christianity.
May the Lord bless us all ro be able to see His will and do it.
3 years ago
I apparrntly need better glasses or to stop using my puny cell phone to type here. Apologies for my many typos.
Prostate exam?
Sorry, CH:
Per Wkipedia, it’s a little different process, involving an extra “r”:
The Rite of Ordination occurs within the context of Holy Mass. After being called forward and presented to the assembly, the candidates are interrogated. Each promises to diligently perform the duties of the Priesthood and to respect and obey his ordinary (bishop or religious superior). Then the candidates lie prostrate before the altar, while the assembled faithful kneel and pray for the help of all the saints in the singing of the Litany of the Saints. The essential part of the rite is when the bishop silently lays his hands upon each candidate (followed by all priests present), before offering the consecratory prayer, addressed to God the Father, invoking the power of the Holy Spirit upon those being ordained. After the consecratory prayer, the newly ordained is vested with the stole and chasuble of those belonging to the Ministerial Priesthood and then the bishop anoints his hands with chrism before presenting him with the chalice and paten which he will use when presiding at the Eucharist.
Ah… a prostrate exam.
Looks like they are all passing.
I was never Roman/Latin Catholic, but my ex-Mother-in-law was. And she told me, as I was sating her daughter, that I’d make a good priest… I should have listened. Not the priest part though. I just should never have married my ex. Would have saved us both a lot of pain.
When one marries, it’s the little things that cause the biggest trouble.
As for these would-be priests, I wish them all the blessings of God. We’re approaching a time when many may be called on to abandon their faith or become a martyr. Especially if South Korea becomes like North Korea or China as regards Christianity.
May the Lord bless us all ro be able to see His will and do it.
I apparrntly need better glasses or to stop using my puny cell phone to type here. Apologies for my many typos.