Korean Democrat Party Wants Increased Powers to Take Legal Action Against “Fake News”
|The Korean left has already been putting journalists they don’t like in jail and now want to expand their legal offense against their conservative critics even further:

The ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) is planning to revise a law within the National Assembly’s February session aimed at requiring media to pay punitive damages for spreading “fake news”. While the DPK said that punishment is needed to prevent the distortion of information and the spread of fake news by not only conventional media, but also portal sites and YouTube, conservative critics raised concerns that the law could be used to tame the media in the name of cracking down on fake news.
Korea Times
The DPK’s askforce team said, Tuesday, that it would revise the law to apply punitive damages to newspapers, TV broadcasters, portal site operators, YouTubers and other one-person media users for spreading false information.
Before the team’s decision, Rep. Yoon Young-chan of the party proposed a revised bill to have YouTubers, other one-person media users and portal site operators to pay up to three times the damages caused by their fake news to the victims. The team also decided that conventional media, such as newspaper and TV, should also be subject to such punishment if they spread fake news.
You can read more at the link.
just commie speak for censorship.
Yeah. “Fake News” is the problem.
It’s less censorship and more suing for alleged defamation, which is a common legal tool used by well to do Koreans who can afford the legal fees. So nothing to get excited about.
Even if the charges are brought to court, it will have to go a judge, and from recent judgments, they don’t always rule for the leftists.
Also to be fair, I’ve watched some of the right wing Youtube channels and let’s just say some of the stuff they claim are hard to believe and accept, even by someone lwho has no love for the current crop of leftists.
Don’t worry, those channels will soon be gone. For example, the #1 pro-life channel on youtube–and hundreds of videos–was deleted without warning this week.
Apparently, calling an unborn baby anything but “a clump of cells” is considered fake medical news. Or maybe hate speech. And anyway, “Shut up!” they explained.
“Celebrate diversity” was the old version. Now, that’s a “dog whistle” for white supre@cy and r@cism. From now on, the Government will tell us what to think, say, and do. But don’t call it a religion.
Sad to see America morphing into just another “Worker’s Paradise” like North Korea, Venezuela, or Zimbabwe. And we did it to ourselves.