Army Announces that the ACFT Will No Longer Be Gender Neutral
|Here is the latest update on the highly controversial Army Combat Fitness Test:

The Army could adjust how it scores its new Combat Fitness Test to account for the “biological differences” between men and women, a service spokeswoman said Friday.
The reevaluation of the ACFT comes weeks after Congress delayed its implementation over concerns the new test created an unfair disadvantage to female soldiers.
Army leaders are now looking at ways to apply scoring based on gender for the six-event, CrossFit-inspired fitness test, said Lt. Col. Peggy Kageleiry, a spokeswoman for the Army’s Center for Initial Military Training, which has led the ACFT’s development. The test was designed as a gender- and age-neutral fitness evaluation meant to simulate strength and conditioning challenges faced by soldiers in combat.
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You can read more at the link.
That took a little longer than I thought…It will be watered down so the female pass rate is higher than the male pass rate. But you won’t hear a peep from the radical “women are entirely equal to men “ crowd.